Need advice regarding my training


New member
Hi guys,

I need some advice. I did no sports most of my life. Like ten years ago I changed my lifestyle and started running. I reduced my weight from 140 kg to ca. 110 kg. I added some soccer, Tennis, biking and hiking. Two years ago I started weight training and gained ca. 5 kg weight. After having a knee injury and corona infection this year I gained another 5 kg.

At the moment my sports activities are like:

Monday: Tennis 1 h (moderate intensity)
Tuesday: weight training ca 50 min
Wednesday: running, ca 40 min, easy pace
Thursday: weight training, ca 50 min
Friday: soccer, ca 70-90 min (moderate intensity)
Saturday: no sports
Sunday; running, ca 1 hour, easy pace

(I‘m 51, male)

However, I‘m not really happy with the results, especially of the weight training (I‘m doing EGYM circle training at a fitness studio). I have gained some additional muscles but not that much and what I really want ist strength combined with flexibility. Idon‘t want to look like (Baby-)Hulk and walk like Arnold. I‘d be ok with feeling strong, being pain free and have good flexibility and mobility. I don‘t have the impression, that the weight training brings me there. The Coach at the fitness club suggested to change to weight training using the regular machines and weights instead of egym but I don‘t think that that will bring me where I want to go. Sometimes I thought maybe yoga or Pilates ar the right thing to do?

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
@blessedmom4 I would take a look at Joe Defranco's stuff. You should lift weights if you want to get stronger, and taking your joints through their full ROM while under load is a great way to increase and maintain mobility

He's got some newer stuff/programs that I'm not super familiar with but sounds like it might be up your alley.

His older stuff like WS4SB and his limber 11 or agile 8 warm ups, that I'm more familiar with, I'd recommend to someone in your position.
@blessedmom4 If you’re having pain strengthening the muscles around that area is how you eliminate that pain.

Mobility is required to do different lifting exercises. Teaching your body to get into specific positions while under load is much more beneficial than stretching.

Best way to loose weight is to build muscle as just having muscle burns calories.

Having overall strength helps you to exist much easier in your life.

I could go on for a while lol
@alexander7791 I don
t agree - weight training keeps your total weight up - after two years I look better, but my weight is the same. And the bigger muscles take mobility and don
t really make you stronger because they lack endurance. I
d be ok with not getting bigger (like gaining muscles) but gaining strength and endurance an better mobility in the hip, the legs and the shoulders. I don
t want to move tons but be fit for daily life, soccer, tennis and skiing and not having back pain -