Need feedback on my current routine


New member
I'll be honest and say I think I've been doing this routine for more than I should (for around 6 months, with minimal changes on some exercises). It's based on an online program and I've been adding more weight, set or reps this whole time but I'm unsure if it's any good.

My main goal is to general health, gain weight, build muscle and some strength. I usually do 3 sets 6-8 or 8-12 depending on the weight and exercise.

- Front squat w/2 dumbells
- Single leg deadlift
- Rear lunge w/2 dumbbells
- Step ups

- Bent over row w/ 2DB
- Chest floor press
- Chest floor flt
- Lateral raise w/ 2db
- Overhead tricep extension

Wednesday: 40 minute jog

- Bulgarian split squat w/ 1 db
- Sumo squat
- Single leg hip thrust

- Unilateral shoulder press
- Single arm BO row
- Incline bench press
- High row w/2 db
- Incline push up (can't do regular ones yet)

Any comments or feedback is very welcomed.

And if anyone knows of 4 day split ( 2 upper body/ 2 lower body) that only uses dumbells, I'll be happy to check it out.

@jbrad01x I didn't make the program. It's based on a 4 day split for beginners, the only changes I made were on exercises I couldn't do or didn't had the equipment for them.

By changes I mean instead of shoulder press with 2 db, I did them unilateral because I could lift both dumbbells at the same time.