Need help for losing bf% for a skinny person


New member
I’m f28 5’1 40kg. A little background about myself, I used to be at around 45-47kg 5 months ago, but I became so frustrated with how big my belly is considering i’m in the normal range of weight. So, uneducated me decided to eat below 800 cal a day and do cardio 5x a week hoping that would make my stomach flat until I became underweight. My waist circumference reduced but the fat is still there even though I’m already skinny. At the moment, i’m eating around 1300-1400 cal a day (and planning to up my caloric intake once my body adjusted with the increase of food intake) and doing crossfit 5x a week. My goal is to tone my body especially my stomach, how can I reduce my bf%? (My tdee is around 1700) I eat clean btw. Thanks in advance

Edit: Thank you all for the advice. Sorry I forgot to include my bf % and macros. So my bf is 20% (my goal is to have around 15-17% to look toned in the stomach) and my macros are 40% P 40% C 20% F , I eat at least 90g of protein everyday.
@blindfaith101 Please go to the doctor. Being this underweight can be very dangerous for your health, and having a distended stomach at just 88 pounds could be indicative of some major health issues. I had permanent damage to my internal organs from being this underweight as a teenager. You should ABSOLUTELY NOT be trying to lose body fat until a doctor clears you. At 88 pounds, it’s HIGHLY unlikely you have any body fat to lose, and your stomach issue is either a medical issue, or something such as bloating or anterior pelvic tilt.
@blindfaith101 I’m glad to hear that you’re going to a doctor, but your edit is EXTREMELY concerning. Not only is that an unrealistic goal as only athletes have body fat percentages that low, you’re also missing the point: you should absolutely not give one second of thought to your body fat percentage right now. What are you doing can kill you and has likely already done irreversible damage to your body and you need to seek immediate medical and mental health intervention. Your ONLY Focus needs to be getting healthier. If you don’t, it can and will cost you your life.
@rodneys Thank you so much for this. Yes, i’m trying now to eat more as I don’t want to stay like this. It’s just that i’m so insecure with how my stomach looks considering how skinny I am. It’s just doesn’t look proportionate with my body.
@rodneys how did you figure/ find out the damage?
I was severly underweight as a teenager myself (TW: 80lbs at 5'4) but don't have any organ damage I know of (but also didn't get it checked out)

also I'm at a healthy BMI now since many years it was just ur comment that had me worried!
@romanseight2005 I had a lot of health issues while I was underweight and after which my doctor attributed to malnourishment. I also have endometriosis and the symptoms because substantially worse after, my endo doctor believes the stress trigged more endo growth and symptoms
@blindfaith101 A BMI of 16.6 is severely underweight. You may not have much muscle, but you don’t really have fat to lose.

Weight-training will help you look more toned, but only if you’re eating enough. To purely answer your question: eat maintenance, high protein, and strength train. To not answer your question: you might actually benefit from gaining weight/bulking. Eat above maintenance (by at least a few hundred calories), high protein, strength train.
@cypress88 Every time i see someone list their weight in kg, height in inches and not convert to lbs i know it’s because they’re underweight and know people won’t do the conversion before offering advice. Edit: i’m from a country that doesn’t use lbs as a standard measure but i list both because that’s necessary to give a full picture. Im not aware of any countries that use imperial height and metric weight but open to correction on that
@nebula1 The older generation, sure, but I hear kg far more frequently than stone/lbs. Until I started getting until fitness, I didn't have any understanding of lbs beyond newborn weights. I still don't get stones. 99% of the discussion of weight I have with friends/colleagues is in kg.
@brettbw I’m assuming you’re from the UK so would know better than me. I’m from ireland and in my experience almost all the NHS literature and UK media talks about stones. Good to hear a small embrace of the metric system now if we could just get the UK to embrace kilometres…
@nebula1 UK here I use feet and stones. I have metric user European friend who is also trying to lose weight and it is hilarious when we compare what we have lost as neither of us can understand what the other means, we have to google translate into our preferred measures every time.
@nebula1 Interesting, what does Ireland use? My parents are honestly the only people I ever hear using stone for weight, but even they use kg just as frequently. It's only personal experience, but I'd bet most young people don't have a grasp of stone, and maybe not even lbs.

Kilometres is definitely never happening. Far too European and modern and convenient.
@brettbw Metric in schools and 90% stone and lbs everywhere else. Although lots of our central/eastern European immigrants and their families are swinging the balance a little. Lots of switching between feet and metres, most people would convert automatically when talking to someone. Clothing and body measurements are always in inches though. Honestly i would have thought it was the same, lots of my friends live in the UK and have never pointed out a difference.
@cypress88 Thanks for the advice, yea my goal is to eat around 2000 calories. At the moment my macros are 40% P 40% C and 20% F. I have 20% bf, I am aiming for around 15-17% to look more toned in the stomach.