Need opinion/critique on my planned 4-day split


New member
For the past year I (25M) have been doing a 6-day PPL x Arnold split and the results have been great so far. However, since I am a graduating student planning to take the Bar exams this year, I will have to cut down on my workout time to make way for review, hence, I am now planning on doing a 4-day split instead.

Monday - Push (Chest/Tris/Shoulders)
  1. Incline Smith Machine Press 3x8-10
  2. Converging Incline Press Machine 3x8-10
  3. Shoulder Press 3x8-10
  4. Cable Tricep Extensions 3x8-10
  5. Tricep Pushdown 3x8-10
  6. Cable Lateral Raises 3x8-10
Tuesday - Pull (Back/Bis)
  1. Neutral Grip Pulldown 3x8-10
  2. Illiac Pulldown 3x8-10
  3. Incline Dumbbell Row (Upper Back) 3x8-10
  4. Incline Curls 3x8-10
  5. Preacher Curls 3x8-10
Wednesday - Legs & Shoulders
  1. Smith Machine Squats (Heels Elevated) 3x8-10
  2. Leg Extensions 3x8-10
  3. Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x8-10
  4. Leg Curls3x8-10
  5. Shoulder Press 3x8-10
  6. Cable Lateral Raises 3x8-10
Thursday - Rest

Friday - Chest & Back
  1. Incline Smith Machine Press 3x8-10
  2. Converging Incline Press Machine 3x8-10
  3. Machine Row (Upper Back) 3x8-10
  4. Illiac Pulldown 3x8-10
  5. Incline Dumbbell Row (Upper Back) 3x8-10
  1. The last 2 sets of all exercises are to failure
  2. I am currently on a cut, but planning on bulking again around May.
  3. I am trying to keep each workout day for an hour only, or one hour and 30 mins MAX.
  1. Is the volume for each muscle group enough? Like for the chest I only have 12 sets a week, 9 for lats, 9 for upper back, 6 for quads, 6 for hams. Do I need to add a bit more?
  2. How about my Triceps and Biceps? I feel like the volume for these wo are a bit low. 6 direct sets a week for each plus 9+ additional indirect work for each when I do Chest, Lats and Shoulders.
  3. I am planning on bulking again soon, will this split be enough for me to grow?
  4. How about legs? I know legs are not my priority but I still don't want to look like I have chicken legs, but I have nowhere to put a second leg day.
If you guys have a totally different but better idea than this split, I would really appreciate it! Thank you so much!
  1. On your Monday Push, try clumping your shoulder excercise together so that you can target them while theyre still warm
  2. On your Chest and Back day, try doing more compound movements like;
  • Close grip bench press so you can target the triceps aswell
  • Underhand closegrip latpulldown for lower lats and biceps
  1. If you're cutting, try to go to failure as much cuz you wont have much energy and will prolly need more rest time. If youre doing so, I can prolly assume your lifts go down 2-4 reps compared to previous sets. I suggest 1-3 RIR if youre currently cutting.
  2. On leg day, this is just personal preference, I do hamstrings first and quads last. Reason being is warming up the hams makes the quad lifts "feel" better. Still depents on your priority.
These are all suggestions and your routine is perfectly fine.