New and lost


New member
Hi guys, I am new into kettlebells. I’m 25, 193cm (6’3 ish I guess) and 88kg (195lbs). I am generally speaking in a decent shape. I make around 8,5-9k steps daily. Before pandemic I used to weight 65kg (143lbs). During lockdown I trained with barbells and dumbbells for like 6-7 months and got to 82kg (180lbs). Then I went back to Uni where I couldn’t continue due to lockdown etc. I’ve never got back to that regularity bar summer holidays at home (so 2 months tops), cause I’ve always been weirdly anxious about public gyms. I picked up different hobbies like MMA or running but couldn’t stick to it because I didn’t like it or injuries etc. This year I decided to give a gym another chance and I’ve been fairly consistent doing 2-4 FBW training per week. I gained 4kg (9lbs) since January and I am in a decent shape for my standards. Obv my PRs aren’t impressive. BP 45kg (started with 25) / DL 55kg (started with 30) / Squat 50kg (started with 25) done in 4 series 10-12 reps. So there was some constant progress and challenge.

During a bank holiday 2 weeks ago I went home but wasn’t super keen on doing FBWs, so I decided to do some swings (100 in 10 series EMOM) and push-ups, cause I’ve seen some videos about it being king of excercises. It took me arround 20 minutes and I felt very fresh and energized after, probably thanks to aerobic effect of the training. So I decided to give it a go thanks to being really simple and short. I am a med student so time is of an essence. Here I am 3rd week, after 10th session. Started with 8kg quickly moved to 12kg and then after 1 session to 16 which seems to be optimal for now (although it becomes weirdly lighter form session to session). For first 8 I did 10min EMOM and 60-70 push ups divided into 3-4 sets, but last 2 sessions I did some routine from YT: 10 swings on 0:00, 3:00, 6:00 etc. 10 push ups, on 1:30, 4:30, 7:30 etc. 100 swings and 100 push-ups total in 30 mins. Whereas first one was hard today’s was easier, so I think maybe I will do this EMOM method, but I am kind of lost.

I feel like for those 3 weeks I’ve neglected upper body with biceps and shoulders especially. I thought about starting ABC method and I’ve even did some cleans and presses (12kg) from dead weight (without hinge) and felt biceps and shoulders afterwards but I don’t know if it is right moment to do that in a proper way. I saw a video of some guy named Mark Wildman who said KBs are the way to go BUT you should work on swings for year or two before moving to other motions. I don’t know if I misunderstood or maybe it was some marketing stint for his programs but it seems odd to be honest.

So here is my question. What would you guys suggest to work on? 3-4 times ~30-40 min. I don’t care about bodybuilder physique but it would be nice to have proportional body and whereas my legs look more defined my upper body (maybe besides back) looks worse. And what about chest? I’be seen a lot of you guys here to have great physique of healthy and athletic person not necessarily body builders. And this is what I am trying to achieve. Obviously I am aware that is a long process but I am looking for guindance. I think it is good activity for me because eventually I can move entirely to my apartment instead of paying membership and wasting time for commmuting.
@rob4182 Wildman is great but you definitely don't need to spend years on a swing before you progress. That said, you DO want to make sure you can swing properly before you start cleans, snatches, etc. I would start by posting a video here of your swing form to get feedback. While doing that work on your Goblet Squat, and once you have the Swing down start with Cleans. Make sure that form is good next. From there Cleans are by themselves a great exercises but you can then start to Press and Front Squat. After that even more things are unlocked (snatches, jerks, etc.)

EDIT: I strongly recommend adding in calisthenics basic exercises also (squats, lunges, ab work, pushups, dips, pullups, chinups)
@rob4182 Looks like no-one is gonna state the obvious.... give Simple and Sinister a go. Swings and Turkish Get-Ups with goblet squats and bicep curls in the warm-up. 30-40min 4-6 days a week.

Once you have the swing and the get-up nailed, ABC and others become accessible. Nothing would stop you from modifying the program (it's great as it is, though) or having days where you do bodyweight exercises as needed. You will need a 24kg bell soon as well.
@rob4182 Swings with ABC and presses will turn you into a monster if programmed correctly.

I’m following the framework from Dan Johns new book on ABC kettlebells for body building. I’d already feel like a Demi-god a few weeks in and my physique showing the gains.

It makes you functionally fit through different planes of motion.