32/M, I’ve done it, I’ve lost 70 pounds, what’s next?

@bpplee Congrats! Now is time for the fun part!! As a former fat, be careful when “bulking” as old habits will creep in. Also, you are likely susceptible to easily gaining weight, if you decide to bulk,
1) SLOWLY raise your cals (eating 200g of protein then adding whatever you like, probably carbs to fuel your workouts) by 100 cals per week.
2) Weight yourself every morning and record your weight. After a week, average out your mean weight. If you gain more than 1lb per week, STOP adding cals.
3) You should also be tracking your food if you’re not, carb manager app is great for this
4) don’t forget to lift!! Boostcamp app has great workouts that are easy to follow

Good luck! You got this!!

Ps: take progress pics so you can show off to friends (and remind yourself) how far you’ve come