New jogger looking to eventually run a mile. Need tips!


New member
So I am about 100+ pounds overweight, 5’7 and 265. Over the past 10 years I have put on this weight, so it’s been pretty gradual I guess. My goal is to be able to jog a mile nonstop. I don’t think I’ve ever really done that in my life. I am able to do a very slow jog up to eight minutes right now. I’m not sure whether to focus on time or mileage to begin with. Because I’m morbidly obese, I feel every extra bit of weight on my knees, ankles, feet, etc. So I’ve really been trying to take it slow and gentle. I’m trying to make jogging a healthy habit and lose weight, but also try to make it a hobby. I can’t go off to the races right out of the gate at my weight, I feel like I can’t propel myself that fast until I lose some weight. And I also don’t want to injure myself and then get put further behind. But I don’t want to wait until I lose the weight to start jogging. So I guess my question is, what is the best way to go about training myself to jog a mile at my physique? Should I focus more on fast walking at first? I’ll take any suggestions!
@wolftone I think running is a bit overrated as exercise. The impact on feet, ankles, and knees is a major disadvantage. Cycling, on the other hand, is good cardio exercise outside, with no impact, and you can cover more distance so you see more places. I would do cycling for a year and get my weight down first.

If you do run, it's best to get into it gradually. Give your body a chance to rest and adapt. I started running last month, and was happy running 3.1 miles (5k) every day, and then it caught up with me and my ankles were messed up for almost a month.
@satanworshiper666 I would love to cycle too. I used to love riding a bike. Once a year I cycle about 10 miles in a day and my quads absolutely burn beyond belief! It really felt like it was working. I’m currently not in a great situation to get a bike, we live in a small apartment with no much room for either a spin bike or storage for a regular bike. There is a bike at our gym at the apartment which I do use from time to time.
@wolftone Any sort of movement will be better than no movement. Go for walks at first, or grab a bike and go cycling.

Once you lose weight, the impact jogging has on your joints will lessen, and you'll be in a better spot to start running.

The worst thing you can do is start doing high impact activities while overweight because your joints will absorb all that extra impact and potentially get damaged, which is not repairable.

Go slow, lose weight, then ramp up your exercises.