New to Kettlebells after 3 years of training


New member
Edit: I found my answer ala these two posts

From Reddit

From Strong First


Hey r/kettlebell!

I've always been a bit of a nerd and struggled with being underweight. However, after making some lifestyle changes and incorporating kettlebell (KB) training into my routine, I can finally say that I feel healthy and strong.

I've been splitting my training into 3 to 6-month experiments. Simple and Sinister program has been my favorite. I've found that minimalist programs work best for me. Minimalism increases my consistency.

General Goal / Notes
Focus of Training

weighed 65 kg. First learned how to gain muscle with the 4-hour body.

Weighed 70 kg. started dating WIFE . Gained 7 kg in a year.

4/17/2020 Started Simple and Sinister. Get in shape for the wedding Strength
Accomplished Timed 16 kg and 24kg (Swings + TGU)

Traveling this summer. Farm work, pushups, and pistol squats

09/12/22 Experiment with Power Lifting Strength
Began incorporating Cold and Hot Therapy

03/22/23 Preparing for Spartan Race. Endurance
Re-claimed Timed 24 kg (swings + TGU).

Accomplished Timed Simple @ 81 kg bodyweight

As a nerd, I also enjoy playing with data and graphs.

On a side note, I've enjoyed working on increasing my Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift numbers. It was a real "holy shit" moment when I touched the basketball rim—I'd never been able to jump that high before. Again, if you look at these numbers, remember, I’ve always been a skinny, weak guy. I was ecstatic when my Deadlift passed 100kg.

Now, I'm ready to take on a new program. Soon I'll have accomplished Simple and Sinister. I recently finished reading Pavel's "The Quick and the Dead," and I'm intrigued by that program. Alternatively, I'm considering a snatch + press type program, such as the Russian KB Challenge or Enter the Kettlebell. Do any of you have recommendations for a good minimalist program consisting of 2 to 4 workouts?

By the way, last month I participated in a 10k Spartan Race, and it absolutely kicked my ass. The 940 meters elevation gain/loss was brutal, and I was surprised by how exhausting the obstacles were. Around the 7 km mark, I started experiencing intense cramping—it was not fun.

I'm grateful for any advice or insights you can provide. Thanks in advance, girevika!
@emmanuelm118 I may need to order another bell. 16 kg feels too light. 24 kg feels impossible to clean + press on my left side. It feels like the first time I tried a 32 kg TGU.

I may still use the 24 kg. and do a clean + jerk with a slow descent on the left side until I can press the bell unassisted.
@sdfjkl I guess The Giant and Dry Fighting Weight count as minimalist.

30 minutes, 3 times a week, only clean & press and clean & press + squat, respectively.

I just finished a runof The Giant 1.0-1.2 with double 28s and got from something like an 8-10 rep max to 16, and from 4-6 with double 32s to 11.

Also, I've done a half bw press. Focusing on double clean & press and squats is the way to go.