New to thread! Excited to hear everyone’s thoughts


New member
Hi all!!

Hope all well. I have always been pretty active, however more recently has been more interested in body re comp. For reference I am about 5 3” 126 lbs, works with a nutritionist for about 10 weeks in a deficit and was able to lean out however I did plateau, now I’m working towards maintaince and this calories are about 1700. Including 126g P, 174 carb and 65 F
My cut phase was 110 P 55F and around 149 C

I was definitely under eating prior to this so I’m giving myself grace but just wanted to see if anyone had similar experience

I do about 2-3 days of strength, 1-2 days cardio avg 8 K steps

I am slowly creeping up on weight around 129 and am feeling discouraged!

My measurements haven’t changed that much since my cut, I lost about 4 in. Waist 28– to 26.5 and one inch on thighs and those are going up! This am I was back up around 3 in over the last 4 weeks of reverse.

I will admit my nutrition tanked before this cycle but I am usually around 118 lbs and now I can’t get past 127!! Despite a cut/ reverse and maintainence. I’m just wondering if I should try my own thing or trust my nutritionist!

Anyone have any recommendations?
@galinavot Definitely try to reach out to your nutritionist over advice of others on the internet. Plateaus at 10 weeks is very normal, and don’t be alarmed if your weight is creeping up at first when eating at maintenance - it could very likely be water weight after being on a cut for an extended period of time.

If you have access to a nutritionist talk to them first, but when people reach a plateau they usually stick with it, because the body takes some time to respond (recently it took 1 month for me to see any weight loss after I started a small deficit), or they re-examine their nutrition. After that they try increasing their exercise a little at a time. This could be taking more steps, increasing their weights or reps, or increasing the intensity of their activity.
@galinavot How often do you weigh, and do you track your cycle with these values? Monthly fluctuations are normal as the hormones change/cycle, and you get more fluid retention.
@doubleflip7 I usually weigh daily and I guess I haven’t correlated my cycle with the weight fluctuations. I will start to do that and see what I’m working with. Thanks
@galinavot When you’re in Maintenance/recomp your weight is never going to be a static number and you really need to zoom out and look at your weight trends over weeks and months. When i ovulate I gain 1-3 lbs overnight, same with when my period comes. If I sleep poorly my weight will be up 1-3 lbs.

Everyone wants to lose weight and gain muscle simultaneously but you’re gonna have to get used to the scale going up and down.

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