Newbie in search of workout advice


New member
Hi everyone,

I have recently started going to the gym. I'm a man, 23-years old, around 180 cm and, maybe, 82-85 kg. I have strong legs (not muscular but good shape) with arms thin tho and some abdominal fat. Rn the programme I'm trying to follow is 5 days a week, starting always with 14 mins of cardio (7 mins of stairs machine level 20 and level 24 in the last 1-2 mins, and 7 mins of running at 15%, 6 km/hour) before training. In terms of diet I'm not obsessed with it atm, I just eat 3 meals a day and eat just as much as required with lots of fruit and veggies in my meals.

The execrcises I'm carrying are the following (based on a 5-day routine I found online):

Day 1 - Chest and Arms

Barbell Bench Press (4 series, 5 reps, 10 Kg)

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press (3 series, 10 reps, 8kg on each arm)

Decline Cable Press (2 series, 12 reps, 10 Kg on each arm)

Barbell Curl (3 series, 8 reps, only bar weight)

Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment (2 series, 12 reps, 12.5 Kg)

Day 2 - Torso

Crunch on Board (2 series, 10 reps, maximum angle)

Oblique crunch with dumbbell (3 series, 8 reps, 12kg)

Russian Twist (3 series, 10 reps)

Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown (3 series, 8reps, 30 Kg)

Rope Straight-Arm Pulldown (2 series, 12 reps, 7.5 kg)

Day 3 - Chest and Arms (Again)

Barbell Bench Press (4 series, 5 reps, 10 kg)

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press (3 series, 10 reps, 8 kg on each arm)

Decline Cable Press (2 series, 12 reps, 10 Kg on each arm)

Barbell Curl (3 series, 8 reps, only bar weight)

Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment (2 series, 12 reps, 12.5 Kg)

Day 4 - Shoulders and Back

Side Lateral Raise (3 series, 10 reps, 6 kg on each arm)

Reverse Fly (3 series, 10 reps, 6kg on each arm)

Seated Cable Rows (3 series, 10 reps, 20 kg)

Rope Straight-Arm Pulldown (3 series, 10 reps, 15 kg)

Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck (3 series, 15 reps, 15 kg)

Day 5 - Legs

Barbell Full Squat (3 series, 8reps, 5 kg)

Jumping Lunge (3 series, 12 reps)

Barbell Straight Leg Deadlift (3 series, 8 reps, 10 kg)

Squat Drop (3 series, 10 reps)

Seated Leg Press (3 series, 12 reps , 60 kg)

**For any given exercise, I try to do 1 more rep in the subsequent compared to the previous one, e.g. 10 reps -> 11 reps -> 12 reps. In oblique crunchbell with dumbells I increase the weight in each series so it's (from 1st to 3rd): 8 kg on each arm -> 10 kg on each arm -> 12 kg on each arm

My questions:
  1. Am I doing cardio correctly or is there a better way to do it?
  2. What do you think of my training programme? Is it correct? Will it allow me to gain muscle? When should I increase weight, series and/or reps for each exercise?
  3. If the programme is correct, how long should I carry it out until I switch to a specific muscle routine like back routine or biceps routine, etc. ?
  4. When should I change cardio and workout exercises? atm I'm just doing these exercises but should change for another one after 1-2 months?
I'm a total noob and have tried to google as much as I've can but there are too many sources and it's very difficult to find the right one/s and would really appreciate your help since I'm a man who wants to change his body for the better.