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What is everyone's nFFMI which is normalized fat free mass index? The normalized part factors in someone's height as extremes can alter the FFMI inaccurately.

Here's a link but you got to know (guesstimate) your bf%.

My nFFMI is 22.1, FFMI 23.1 because I'm 6'5 so it skews high being tall.
@mac64 24.05 nFFMI. 5’11” 205lbs and 16% BF. Several months-long bouts of depression over the years… I just got back to my high school 1RMs on the Big Three and feel great being back in the 1200 pound club. Hoping to get up to 25 nFFMI by the summer!
@mac64 263 lbs, 5'9.5 33.2% bodyfat. nMffi 25.84 Fmmi 25.63. Been lifting for 3 months. Does this mean I have good genetics or something else related to me being fat?
@kevitho Being that you’re only three months in, you’re probably still working on technique, but what do your lifts look like at the moment? Sounds like you could probably toss around some serious weight!
@maximizer My first week I benched 180 so 3 months in I know I’ve gained a lot of strength and better form but haven’t tested it again. So not amazing, I feel like all my muscle is concentrated in my legs. I can max out leg press but my knees are the limiting factor in that equation so I don’t push it. Back squats and rdl’s I’m not close to my max just because I really do want to work on form and not explode my spine. My joints are questionable and I’m 36 so I’m going slow.
@kevitho Yeah benching 180 in your first week of lifting is pretty insanely strong, my guy. Sounds like you’re doing great at listening to your body!

FFMI is probably something that you won’t want to read into too much as a person with a higher BF percentage, but it depends on your sense of motivation. If you’re okay with seeing that number drop a little bit, then by all means, monitor your FFMI to determine how aggressive your calorie deficit is/should be. But if seeing your number drop under 25 will undercut your motivation to lose BF, I’d suggest ignoring FFMI for the time being.

Again, you’re killing it. Starting is the hardest part - great job keeping at it!
@maximizer Wow thanks, my workout yesterday was demotivating so your encouragement is great! I don’t really care about the ffmi and was surprised when it looked good. So can I say I have good genetics? Or is it because I’m on a permanent bulk cycle? lol
@kevitho Absolutely! At 3 months in, it might even be time for a deload week to give your body a chance to recover.

About the genetics/permabulk question, I’d honestly go with whatever answer motivates you more. I know that’s completely not helpful, but if a farmer spends all their time thinking about what comes first, the chicken or the egg, they’ll spend less time breeding chickens :)