NoBull's new film - not.... great

@blast0102 These are three of the most (over?)covered athletes in the sport and they're all canny about media coverage and marketing. I'm not sure you're going to get anything new out of them, no matter who is making it. I'd love to see something equivalent about up and comers or unknowns, sort of like what Heppner sounds like he's shooting for in his new series.
@dawn16 I'm not sure but I doubt it - it's certainly not their editing style. (Which sort of gives me a greater appreciation for the buttery bros storytelling ability.) This film does have some really nice footage - would have loved to seen it in the hands of a more capable writer and editor.
@blast0102 Upon further IG snooping, I don’t think they made it, they just got to show some of their documentary at the event, and supported the release of the No Bull video, encouraging people to check it out.
@blast0102 I have to agree; especially having read both Katrin’s and Tia’s books, the film didn’t really tell me anything I didn’t learn from reading those.
@blast0102 The thing I can’t stand about no bull is the super limited releases. It seems most colorways they release are sold out in a few hours and then their response is “we had no idea we would get this response and sell out this quick”. Bull. Shit. I just don’t think they understand how to forecast orders and are leaving a ton of money on the table, not to mention people driving customers to other brands.
@blast0102 Attended the Fitness Film Festival in Brooklyn, NY last weekend and a clip of the film was shown, followed by an on-stage panel discussion with Tia, Brooke, and Katrin (moderated by Rory McKernan). The clip that was shown was OK (mainly talked about their upbringings, along with them working out together) but the interesting thing was that during one of the breaks, I saw the three women dressed in normal clothing, then they changed into No Bull Clothing for the panel discussion. So it seemed somewhat of a varied message.
@helenaqueens I've been following the IG for the film festival and I've noticed that they haven't made a single mention of the other films that played that night. Were the other short films any good? (I've never seen a film festival social account make ZERO mention of the filmmakers. I get that it's a marketing thing but come on.... at least pretend!)
@blast0102 The short films were great! Good storytelling and inspirational people featured. My favorite was a 97 year old runner who began running in his late 60s and runs nearly every day. He was pretty funny as well. ("I don't keep track of my heart rate. I have a pacemaker that does it for me.")