Noob question about 4 vs 5 day splits


New member
Currently I’m doing a push pull 4 days split that has legs included in each day. I’m finding I’m getting gassed and was thinking of switching to a 5 day push pull legs routine, but I don’t think I can make it to the gym 5/7 days. Is it still worthwhile to switch to 5 days when it will most likely be 5/9 or 5/10 days? I can type up the routine if that’s helpful.
@cassuk11 I think if your current 4-day routine is having you rate your workouts as "way too hard", most of the time, I would just reduce the volume or intensity a little bit, and allow yourself to build work capacity, get more fit. The more you train, the more likely it is you can train more. There is a limit, based on all your inputs (training history, life stress, sleep, nutrition, family constraints, interest in being a gym rat :p, etc. )

If you switch to a 5-day routine and split it over 9 or 10 days, I'm concerned you just end up training a lot less per week. When you could just train a little less, by modifying your 4 day routine.

If you want to type it up, I'll read it.
... on a side note. I don't necessarily like the push+legs, pull+legs paradigm. It means you can't use antagonist supersets for your upper body. (If time efficiency is at all a factor for you, this is a big deal)

Another tweak you could make would be to just make all the workouts some kind of convenient mix of push+pull+legs. Sometimes legs come first, sometimes they don't.

Lower body parts can get hit at least twice a week, or more for glutes (because they get hit indirectly with most lower body training).

Upper-body muscle groups likely get more than twice a week frequency, which is probably better programming.
@cassuk11 Why are you trying so hard to fit a PPL routine into a scheme other than the 6-days for which it is designed? Just find a new program. Run an upper/lower split, switch to 5/3/1, use a full body routine with conditioning on sequential days—there's so many other options available.
@cassuk11 4 day upper/lower upper/lower if you want to progress.

Mon -
Ohp secondary
Horizontal pull
Assistance work

Deadlift secondary

Bench secondary
Vertical pull

Squat secondary

And not too much work. You need to recover
@cassuk11 Here is one that works

M - Upper - Heavy - Bench, DB Clean + OHP, Chin Up

Tu - Lower - Heavy - Squat, RDL, Lunge

Th - Upper - Light - Bench, DB Clean + OHP, Chin Up

F - Lower - Light - Squat, RDL, Lunge

Not sure what rep schemes you are using but on the light day do 1 or 2 sets less. Eg 3x8 would become 2x8 on the light day. Or 5x5 would become 3x5 on the light day.

You could add any exercises you want to this base workout or just do it as is.