Olympic Weightlifting Nood Program


New member
Anybody here knows how to start olympic weightlifting?

A year ago, i kinda tried to learn how to snatch and clean&jerk.

Max snatch was 40kgs
Max C&J was 65kgs

Weight is about 67kgs at that time. (Now at 71kgs)

My usual training routine is a hybrid of PL and Bb.
*SBD (130/90/170) - for context on where im at right now.

Note that I stopped oly lifting dahil mechanics dont feel good for me. Ang technical kasi talaga.

Appreciate if anyone could help or point me to the right direction in terms of Oly weihhtlifting. Thank you!
@tony2468 I'd say too much na yung finofollow ko. LOL

kidding aside, may available ba na template programs like in PL we have calgary 12-weeks, 5/3/1s or starting strength. May ganitong equivalent ba ang oly?
@baytrum Odd that you say too much na ang educational OLY channels but don't have a single program. I'd check if the pages you follow are actually oly educational Channels.

Anyway JTS, Zack Telander, Clarence kenndy(patreon highly suggested) start with these and you'll see the other people they work with and choose what you like. JTS has a really good playlist.