One question regarding this PPL plan(why so few squats?)


New member
Hi everyone,

I have been seriously training for about one year, and had a personal trainer helping me do a one-hour training everytime we meet. On my leg day, we usually do


1* 12, 70% 1RM

1 * 8, 85-90% 1RM

(another 1* 5-8, 85-90% 1RM) optional

1*15, 60% 1RM

leg extension:

1* 12, 70% 1RM

1*8 - 10, 85-90% 1RM

1*15, 60% 1RM

that was basically the excercises for quads. But the exact sets/excercises may vary, but not much. But normally just two excercises for quads.

deadlift, calf raise etc..(these are not the topic I wanna talk about)

now I came accross this plan from a famous bodybuilding Youtuber:

(6) The Smartest Push Pull Legs Routine 2022 (Fully Explained) - YouTube

Squat: 3 Sets x 4 Reps (80% 1RM)

Romanian Deadlift: 3 Sets x 10 Reps

Single Leg Press: 3 Sets x 15 Reps

Eccentric Leg Extension: 3 Sets x 10-12

Seated Leg Curls: 3 Sets x 10-12 Reps

Standing Calf Raise: 3 Sets x 10-12 Reps


I am very curious to know why the squat has only 3 * 4 (like a powerlifter??)? And he said in the video that the day is quad I am super confused. Wouldn't the squat be much better than Leg extension or Single Leg Press?
@maygrace Jeff also has a powerlifting background so is slightly biased towards heavier sets at low reps.

I bought one of his programs which had squats at 4-6 reps for 4 weeks then 8-10 reps (i think) for the next 4. It’s likely the weeks for his PPL might be something like this:

Week 1: 3 x 4
Week 2: 3 x 8
Week 3: 2 x 3
Week 4: 2 x 10

I’m guessing here, but based on programs I’ve bought he does like to vary it like this as it’s tailored towards advanced lifters who need variety to break past plateaus
@dawn16 this sounds resonable, do u feel this program has brought you any big enhancement? and according to my observation from your assumption for his ppl, it seems like a pattern of "one low rep + high weight, one high rep + lower weight"..that seems to be the main idea, but i have no idea where the exact reps come from. or do u think that number just simply depend on people's rough feeling/assumption?
@maygrace You would have to look at the program as a whole to judge what is before and after that day.
If I want to isolate or focus my quad I would say you can’t get more of an isolation than an extension.
@maygrace In his video he explained that this is only 1 week from his paid program. He probably does more reps on a second week.

It's also a powerbuilding program where you focus on both, strength and hypertrophy.
@maygrace According to his site Jeff considers PPL to be for intermediate to advanced lifters. When you're stronger the stimulus to fatigue ratio for squats goes up so that could explain why he programmed so few. In my opinion you could increase your squats and replace the hack squats in leg day 2 with the single leg press.

Take my opinion with a grain of salt though, I've only been lifting 7 months.
@maygrace If the volume is low, the intensity has to be high. It’s a preference where you enjoy that point being placed at. First week is easy. It ramps up. Block 2 has pretty high volume days and high intensity days alternating to get work capacity and strength ready for a peak week.