Opinion about heart rate monitor


New member
Today I felt weak due to an infection and I did a light workout. The workout consisted of doing high pulls with a 32 kg kettlebell, about 5 repetitions per minute. I also wore a heart rate monitor.

The session was easy...but my question is, what do you think I would achieve with this? Is this what is called aerobic - alactic? Does this have a moderate transfer to strength?

Best regards and thank you.

@kidspray2 Depending on your personal heart rate zones which are highly personal this could be all zone 2 or zone 3. You'd have to know your zones to know for sure. But if you're a middle aged 30-40 yo average man, this is probably already too much to be considered a "light workout". A light workout is the exertion of a brisk walk where your heart rate is maybe between 90-110 (again; depending on age and personal zones). That is zone 1. Zone 2 is fully aerobic: for example a slow jogging pace that you can do for multiple hours. Kettlebell typically has a certain minimum intensity that's above zone 2 and like you did, you do it as an interval instead of steady state.