Should I compete? Opinion about my physique, progress

@%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE Bro, I mean this as nicely as possible.

No. Your legs look like they belong on a 12 year old girl. Get a squat rack and start squatting two days a week with really high intensity. Build a base and then start hitting all your leg groups, hard, for at least 2 years. I dont even wanna know what your hammies look like.

If you were to diet down right now to stage lean, your legs will literally appear non-existant.
@%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE You need to get more serious about this if you genuinely want to compete. Training twice a week, plus some pull-ups and dips isn’t enough to get to competition level.

Start training your legs and back seriously, and get a split that’ll have you in the gym a few more days a week eg full body, U/L, PPL, bro, etc.

Goes without saying, but you’ve got to get your nutrition locked in as well.