Opinion and cristism on my workout plan?


New member
After much research, here is my fusion calisthenics/ free weight workout plan. I'm going from all free weight work out to calithenics fusion. Let me know if you have any suggestions for making it better!

It's in a 8 day rotation:

DAY 1 Back/ Bicep
  • 4 x pullup
  • 3 x scapula pullup
  • 3 x back lever progression (currently on skin the cat)
  • 3 x bent over row with barbell
  • 3 x bicep curl
  • 2 x L SIT
  • 3 x False Grip Hold
DAY 2 Push
  • 6 x Bench Press (barbell)
  • 3 x Shoulder Press
  • 4 x Chest Dip
  • 3 x Lateral Raise
  • 3 x Tricep Cable Pull down
  • 1 x Pushup till failure

I really think my legdays are balanced/ fun, so I will skip this list


DAY 5 Light Abs + Auxilliary
  • 3 x Lat Pulldown
  • 3 x L sit
  • 2 x ab subsitute (bicycle crunch, plank, this gets replaced my mood lmao)
  • 4 x pull up
  • 3 x False Grip Hold
  • 3 x false grip hold
  • 3 x handstand pushup progression (pike/ wall hspu/ etc)
  • 3 x front lever progression (tucked hold rn)
  • 3 x handstand hold by wall/ free
  • 3 x planche progression
Day 7 is legs day 8 is rest.

This is the full workout plan that I've transitioned to for a week or two now. I created this with the goal of being able to fully perform lots of the power moves listed in day 6. What do you guys think, what are some changes I can make to make this better?
@lynnn Personally, I do not like 3+ day splits. Full body or 2 day splits are generally superior for most beginners and intermediates because:
  • You get more practice and frequency with exercises which means more progress (think 3x a week is 150x a year vs 2x at 100x a year and 1x at 50x a year with your exercises).
  • Remember, progressive overload for strength and muscle mass is based on repeatedly doing an exercise and improving on it via reps or progression or both.
  • Additionally, you get more true rest days, and rest is required to effectively recover and not get overuse injuries
Upper/lower+core tends to work well if you're trying to consolidate multiple days into one. Aim for 2-3 compounds for push and pull each. You should be able to compress your routine into a full body or upper/lower+core.

HS/skill usually goes in warmup and right before strength.
@lynnn i personally think that 6 sets of bench press is a bit much , maybe you can do 3 sets and 3 sets of another movement. also cable rows are superior to bent over rows for hypertrophy because there is a constant tension in the back muscles .

also if you want to achieve th power moves on day 6 alot quicker ,you will need to train them more frequently . imo 3 sets of planche a week wont cut it, that is if you want to get it quickly.

this video will also help you
@kjcolt I will try to replace day 1 and day 2 exercises w more power move training when I progress them w strength. I want the proper strengths to pull these off. Or should I just remove it now?
@lynnn i would recommend removing after you feel like you have the proper strength , becasue themore base strength you have the easier it will be to acheive the moves.
@lynnn Agree with the comment disliking the 3 day split. You're trying to fit as many things as you can to cover your all your bases at the expense of frequency and adequate practice and rest. You could do HS hold and planche on push day before you reps and sets, likewise front lever on pull day. Then do abs on leg day.