Opinion/insights on Old USSR Bodybuilding Training Plan


New member
Im russian and iw been reading old bodybuilding literature just out of intrest, and i found old Soviet Training Book that recomended doing 3x/week fullbody training with A,B,C sessions.

Im myself not novice with 3-4 years of experience, im just intrested in your guys opinions about it, what has changed in past years about training compared to this and what would you change, what you think about exercise selection? What about intensity or frequency. All activity is appriciated🙏

Day A https://prnt.sc/wFGeEld3R6aQ

Day B https://prnt.sc/-ehRDfpBREBN

Day C https://prnt.sc/1f17GQ6AGiu7
@nathanstrong I think it’s a lot of workouts for one session. If you’ve got the time to spare, a plan that accommodates more than three days a week and a little less time in the gym each day can work better for many people. Will I deny that this would work? No. Would your joints be happy in this particular exercise selection? Probably not, but different strokes for different folks. Barbell skullcrushers demolish my tendons for example, while others swear by it.
@nathanstrong alex leonidas has talked about his full body 2x/week training which he used to use, mind you, he was pretty advanced when doing that too. ive been doing full body 3x/weeks for some time now, making use of supersets(sometimes its just big movements supersetted with small isolations, but not always). it takes a few weeks to get into the groove but it builds amazing gpp, and i get 4 days of full rest and recovery. id like to see how far it can take me.
@nathanstrong Are you asking for insights on them as a historical document part of fitness history, or are you asking if I think this is a good plan for someone looking to pursue natural bodybuilding recreationally?
@nathanstrong Why do this when you could learn from TBJP on youtube? (who also advocates 3x a week Full Body)

There are literally Jefferson Squats, Smith machine back extensions, iso lateral db shoulder pesses with holds, neck held oblique crunches on this program...