Opinion on a routine :)


New member
I would like to know your opinion. My goal is to be able to perform the 'armour building complex' with two 40 kg kettlebells. Currently, I am working with two 32 kg kettlebells.

Today, for example, I did:
  • 5 minutes: 2 x 24 kg row + clean + squat + press
  • 25 minutes: 2 x 32 kg: row + clean + squat + press
sometimes I did 2 or 3 cleans or squats in the complex. Then, rest until my heart rate goes back down to less than < 120 beats/minute
  • 10 minutes: 1 x 40 kg kettlebell 4 high pulls EMOM
Do you think I am on the right track? :)

Thanks in advance !

@confundido We would need a lot more information, for example how many reps can you do in the allotted time, have you increased the time or # of reps over the past few weeks? And what determines when you can move up to the 40s? Why not just use them now? If you can do high pulls with the 40s you can probably do the armor building complex with them
@chriscrossan I train in a somewhat "unorganized" way. I try to follow some schemes, but in the end, I tend to train a bit by feel, sometimes pushing myself more and other times, when I feel weaker, doing less. What I value most is training frequently and avoiding injuries. That's why I train in a style like "Iron Cardio" or "Aerobic + Alactic".

I think I could do row + clean + squat + press EMOM for an hour with 2 x 32kg kettlebells.

With two 40 kg kettlebells at the same time, I can only do rows and cleans. I can do the squats, but they require very long recovery times. I can't do the press.

I do the High pull with only one kettlebell. It would be difficult for me to sustain it over time with two.
@confundido Eventually you'll get there, but that's probably not the quickest route. It depends on the press and what kind of training works for your press. If you get enough volume with what you are doing, well, you are probably set, but if you need more then you might want to find a press specific program.
@confundido The limiting factor for an ABC with double 40s is probably the press, so at some point you'll need to do something that's about as hard as the press itself.

That means lots and lots of reps. Building work capacity with lots of low-rep sets is cool, but at least once a week you should focus on single-set endurance.

According to various 1RM calculators 80% of 1RM is about an 8-10RM, so you should be able to clean & press double 32s for 8-10 reps before you can do double 40s for a single. But reality isn't always that simple - with double 32s being an 11RM for me (possibly more by now) I still don't feel comfortable cleaning double 40s.

I'd recommend that you follow a good clean & press program like The Giant. You'll need to bump your C&P with double 32s up to like a 10+RM.

I'm also a big believer that more is more when it comes to training, at least as long as your rest and diet matches it, so you could do The Giant 3 days a week and your own setup there 1-4 days a week.