

New member
Info: M32, almost 33
Start of the journey (1/8/23):
BW: 312 @ 50.2% BF
BMI: 44.3

Most recent (5/10/23):
BW: 283.5 @ 44.6% BF
BMI: 41.9

Hello everyone! New lurker, first post. In the past ten years I’ve put on over 100lbs mostly caused by overindulgence. January 2023 the wife and I decided we wanted to change that and started exercising regularly and making healthier choices while eating, in quality and quantity. We bought a used Peloton from a friend and some adjustable dumbbells and started out slow, as to not shock our bodies, with low impact or beginner rides 1-2 times per week and light weight or body weight exercises. First order of business was setting the diet right. We read some scholarly articles and journals on setting a diet for weight loss that was healthy for our size and measured our TDEE vs what our actual intake was. I was astonished, to say the least, to see I was eating 1200+ calories more than I needed in a day. It helped explain why I was fairly active, more so at work, and why I wasn’t losing weight. Using my TDEE, I used a macro calculator and a few other NIH and NHS articles to set myself up for success and making healthy choices where my calorie intake is 40% from protein and 30% each from carbs and fat. I set my calorie goal to be my calculated TDEE for the first two weeks by weaning 100-200 calories per day and started losing weight pretty consistently at ~2-2.5lbs per week. I know some might consider this too fast as the general standard is no more than 0.9% of body weight per week, but I really wasn’t pushing hard during exercise, I just stopped eating the extra 1200 calories per day. Again, I was already moderately active but was overeating. After 3-4 weeks at TDEE, I cut another 500 calories (weaned 100-200 per day again) which put me around 2250 cals/day and continued to lose weight. I started working a little harder while weightlifting and slightly harder during cardio. At this point I felt confident enough in my ability to keep the routine that I started investing in recovery and workout supplements. If I was going to be lifting weights, I’d take some pre workout (Ryse Supplements Loaded Pre), creatine monohydrate (5g), and BCAAs to follow. If it was just cardio, I’d keep the creatine, avoid the pre workout, and take BCAAs. Everything was going great until around April 1 when I hit a plateau (?) and have not lost any weight since then. Granted, I’m still seeing results with muscle volume and tone, but my body weight has not decreased more than 1.5lbs in 6 weeks. I was reading an article last night, I think it was from r/fitness but I honestly can’t remember, that was talking about how you need to rotate off of a “diet” after around 9-12 weeks and you should slowly increase your calorie intake to what it was before you started for a duration that is the same length as the “diet”. To me, that just doesn’t seem logical. Is what I’m doing considered a “diet”? Maybe I’m just trying to justify my course of action, but it feels more like a lifestyle change than a diet in the sense it appears to be used. I feel like if I go back to consuming what I did before, I’m going to gain all that weight back. Am I being shortsighted or is there some other benefit I’m failing to recognize? Have I “plateaued” or am I replacing fat with muscle and I just need to keep the ship on course?

Any input will be appreciated, but I’m going to be upfront and say that if you’re going to tell me something one way or the other that you provide some scientific data to back it up. Anecdotal is nice to hear, but I prefer data-driven information.
@ericph I have, but it’s been a few weeks. The last re-calculation was when I did the last 500 cal drop. Sounds like it’s time to cut again and see what happens.

Thanks for the input.
@bronzemarkian I never had to come off my diet during my loss or change to different things. I just tried to keep a consistent deficit over that period. What does happen is as you lose weight you need to adjust your calorie intake down because your TDEE drops. So what can happen in a mild deficit is you lose weight and then hold because now you aren't actually eating at a deficit. And you could be recomping too. It is hard to tell over a short period of time when that is happening. In my experience you have to trust that what you are doing is right. Once you have some longer-term success it easier to do. It is all about eating as clean as possible, for as long as possible while being as consistent as possible.
@bronzemarkian congrats on the progress so far.. from what you've said i'd guess you're putting on muscle mass, which is going to offset what you see on the scale.. however, if you are at 44% bf as per your most recent numbers, and you are not losing fat still with your fitness regime, then you are no longer in a calorie deficit. you'll need to adjust your numbers again. decrease by a hundred or two, until you start seeing the fat come off again. your body is changing and your baseline calorie demand is changing with it.. as for the advice you mentioned about stopping your cut and reupping your calories etc, that sounds to me a bulk/cut cycle which does not apply to you in your situation, that cycle doesnt start applying until your bodyfat gets down into the low 20s ish. From the sound of things, keep it up, keep goin, just make some tweeks to your calorie intake to find out your new numbers and get droppin again.
@bronzemarkian Think of this as your body trying to make your brain give up. This is why most people don't last longer than a few months in diets/workouts. I would recommend some weight training to confuse your body more, as it appears it's gotten used to what you've been doing. Dig deep brother! You're doing the right thing asking for advice