Please critique this 4day split workout plan


New member
Hi guys, i have been training for 1.5 years followed by a personal trainer in a pay-per-session gym and had great results.

When i started i used to go 2 times a week, then 3 and about 2 months ago i decided that i would have liked to increase the number of times to 4 a week and maybe start doing stuff on my own since i learned a lot. I obviously had to change gym and go to a monthly subscription type gym because the cost was too much for me.

I tried making my own plan since i'm not a total beginner and have been following it for 5 weeks now, i still have doubts so i'll ask people that know more then me.

My info : 24 years, 71kg, 1.75m.

Legend :
  • W : Between 2-4 warmup sets of the specific exercise.
  • BW : Body weight.
  • ! : Primary exercise.
  • ] : Secondary exercise.
  • } : Additional exercise.
Each Workout has a dynamic warmup at the beginning and a stretching routine at the end.

The weight indicated on each exercise is the max and min weight used during the sets.

Days of the week not indicated are dedicated to rest or light cardio.

Monday - Legs :
  • ! Back Squat : W/4/6/8 | 90-70kg
  • ! RDL : W/4/6/8 | 70-50kg
  • ] Leg Extension : 12x3 | 70-50kg
  • ] Leg Curl : 12x3 | 40-30kg
  • } Calf Raise : 12x3 | 110-90kg
Tuesday - Shoulders & Upper Back :
  • ! Pullup : W/8x3 | 5-BW
  • ! OHP : W/4/6/8 | 50-40kg
  • ! Wide Barbell Row : W/4/6/8 | 60-40kg
  • ] Lateral Raise : 12x3 | 10-6kg
  • ] Wide Lat Machine : 12x3 | 50-40kg
  • } Face Pull : 12x3 | 40-30kg
Wednesday - Optional Activity :
  • Optional activity with friends like climbing...
Friday - Core :
  • ! Deadlift : W/4/5/6 | 110-90kg
  • ! Cable Crunch : W/12x3 | 70-50kg
  • ] Back Extension : 12x2 | 10kg
  • ] Leg Raise : 12x3 | 10-6kg
  • } Glute Kick : 12x3 | 60-50kg
Saturday - Chest & Arms :
  • ! Bench : W/4/6/8 : 72,5-52,5kg
  • ! Ez Bar Curl : W/8x3 | 28-24kg
  • ! Ez Bar Skull Crusher : W/8x3 | 30-2
  • ] Pec Deck : 12x3 | 30-20kg
  • ] Bayesian Curl : 12x3 | 20-10kg
  • ] Tricep Pushdown : 12x3 | 50-40kg
  • } Cable Forearm Curl : 12x3 : 45-35kg
@k9subsea i'm currently bulking.
And yeah maybe i should but wouldn't i end up with too many exercises on Saturday? how would you suggest i rearrange things to fit it?