Powerlifter’s Blood Pressure


New member
Recently bumili ako ng pang monitor ng Blood Pressure. Wala naman akong sakit or kung ano man. Gusto ko lang matrack yung BP ko.

I’ve been tracking it for a week na at nagulat ako kasi yung BP ko ay naglalaro sa 135-140/70-75. Medyo worried ako kasi ang normal BP ay below 120/80. Yung BP ko ay nasa range ng High blood pressure stage 1.

Hindi naman ako nag eexpect ng 120/80 na BP pero parang masyadong mataas naman yung BP ko.

Dahil dito, ang next step ko ay magpa lab test para makasigurado kung may nagbabadyang issue sa kalusugan ko.

Kayo ba kamusta ang BP niyo?
@isabelle44 More than anything read this article specifically on this.

Resistance training and blood pressure


Blood pressure causes,. prevention and treatment

There will be a spike in blood pressure during and around training so if you're measuring close to training then there will be an elevation of your BP. This is why people are told to get a good night's sleep and make sure that no strenuous activity was performed before hand. The spike in BP after a training stimulus especially that of Powerlifting will elevate it for more than an hour or two.

If you chronically have poor sleep, consume alcohol regularly and are at an unhealthy body fat% with low activity then it is more likely that it's everything else other than lifting that's causing your BP to be elevated.
@isabelle44 Hypertension is related sa bodyweight regardless kung muscle mass yan or fat mass. This is the reason why I stay on a 'safe' range when bulking. I'm 180cm in height and peak bulk weight probably hit 82kgs (I'll try 87kgs next time). I'm cutting right now at 74 kgs. I have family history of hypertension and was already diagnosed as prehypertensive before I started lifting (2018). Now my Bp is around 90-120/70. It goes to the lower end when I get to my lean weight at 70kgs.

hoping you get that right direction. if it'd be okay to update us on your lab results, that would be great.
@baytrum I’m 170cm and currently at 76kg. I’m still bulking and trying to get to 80kg. I’m pretty sure my high BP has something to do this.

But still, I will get my blood works done soon para makasigurado kung ano ba ang dapat kong gawin sa issue na’to.

I’ll try to share my updates here. Thank you!
@davidg467 Sorry but the 'safe' range I mentioned was something I figured out for my body after years of observing my BP in relation with bulking and cutting seasons.
@isabelle44 When I was at peak weightlifting era, napansin ko na I would be dizzy and masakit batok after. It got to the point na I would almost black out between sets. My mom told me to check my bp every morning when I wake up and mataas nga. I went to get bloodwork done din and my numbers are normal. My doctor deduced that I need to get enough sleep so my bp is normal if I want to lift heavy.

They were right; I only sleep 4-6 hours a night due to my work schedule and that already elevates my bp. Lifting only made it worse.
@jadeemars Nako parang this makes sense. I have no conclusive evidence pero this seems to apply to me. My BP is generally better now that I sleep for 7 to 9 hours per day.
@jadeemars Good for you that your blood works good and your BP is now at normal range.

In my case, I’m able to sleep at least 7-8 hours per day so that’s not a factor for me. I’m hoping for the best on my blood works.
@isabelle44 Pacheckup ka. Malamang ay overweight to obese ang weight mo. Isa kasi ang highblood sa side effects ng pagiging obese. Check mo din family history niyo kung hypertensive isa sa magulang mo. Isa ito sa cons ng powerlifting especially sa body weight side. Natural naman na umangat ang bp kapag nagbubuhat. Pero kung resting bp mo ganyan pa din you need to have it checked
@samr1977 Tama ka. I’m overweight according to BMI. I’m 170cm and currently at 76kg. And I’m still bulking and trying to get to 80kg.

Yun nga, I will get my blood works done soon para makasigurado kung ano ba ang dapat kong gawin sa issue na’to. Hoping for the best.
@isabelle44 To add, my doctor mentioned to monitor the blood pressure as you have just woken up and just before you sleep. You're expected to be well-rested at that time, so your blood pressure should go down. If not, then there's a problem, and it may be worth seeing your doctor. Please note that this is obviously specific to my case. Some would actually have to take tests like the Holter test to see if you're hypertensive.
  1. Are you sure tama ang placement mo sa blood pressure monitor? Kasi wrong position and placement can give wrong results.
  2. Are you monitoring your blood pressure after rest? (Waking up after a good sleep?)
  3. Before you conclude anything, see an IM-Cardiologist.
@isabelle44 try mo kapag well-rested ka. Walang recent training for the past hours. Upo ka for 15 mins kung saan ka mismo mag ccheck.

Highly doubt na falsely elevated yan though mas ok pa rin icheck.

if bulking ka, most likely mataas cholesterol mo.
@kenadi Nagchecheck ako ng BP pagka gising ko so yes well rested naman ako.

And you’re right. I’m currently bulking. I’m suspecting din na baka mataas ang cholesterol level ko. Magpapa lab test ako para sigurado.
@isabelle44 Naturally, tumataas ang bp when you're in pain, exhausted, you just ate, or when you have some physical activities that require strength.

Make sure po that you are not in any of those states when you check yours.
@isabelle44 Labtest agad without consulting a doctor? Specifically a Cardiologist?

Best to see a doc first, preferably somebody na may experience with patients na may background sa exercise.