
New member
Hi bodybuilding experts,

36yo / 183 lbs / 5’9

Not sure if this belongs in this reddit, but please delete if it doesn't.

I’ve been weightlifting since 2014 with a lot of trial and error. 9 years later, I finally found a PPL routine that I’ve settled on since last year (listed below). Maybe it looks excessive, but in general, I don’t mind spending a lot of time at the gym as it’s kind of a stress reliever (mentally, at least).

If anyone can provide pointers or suggestions as to what specifically can make my gym sessions more efficient, I'd greatly appreciate it - I’m always looking to improve. What should I remove/add, is this too much, etc. Also…I’ll be transitioning into a cut in a month or two…

Day 1: Push - Hypertrophy
Day 2: Pull - Hypertrophy
Day 3: Leg - Hypertrophy
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Push - Heavy
Day 6: Pull - Heavy
Day 7: Leg - Heavy

The first set/rep listed after the exercise is for hypertrophy days while the second is for the heavy days.

Bench Press (Barbell) 3x7, 3x5
Seated Dip (Machine) 3x12, 3x8
Bench Press - Close Grip (Barbell) 3x7, 3x5
Incline Bench Press (Barbell) 3x7, 3x5
Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell) 3x12, 3x8
Chest Fly (Cable) 3x12, 3x8
Triceps Pushdown (Cable) 3x12, 3x8
Chest Fly 3x12, 3x8

Romanian Deadlift (Barbell) 4x7, 4x5
Bicep Curl (Dumbbell) 3x12, 3x8
Lateral Raise (Dumbbell) 2x12, 2x8
Front Raise (Dumbbell) 2x12, 2x8
Bent Over Row (Barbell) 3x12, 3x8
Overhead Press (Dumbbell) 3x12, 3x8
Seated Row (Cable) 2x12, 2x8
Wide-Grip Seated Row (Cable) 2x12, 2x8
Upright Row (Cable) 2x12, 2x8
Lat Pulldown (Cable) 2x12, 2x8
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown (Cable) 2x12, 2x8

Squat (Barbell) 4x7, 4x5
Leg Press (Machine) 3x12, 3x8
Calf Press (Machine) 3x12, 3x8
Seated Leg Curl (Machine) 3x12, 3x8
Seated Leg Extension (Machine) 3x12, 3x8
Glute Kickback (Machine) 3x12, 3x8
Glute Kickback (Cable) 3x12, 3x8