What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

@jake3134 Yeah, the flat barbell bench isn't that good in terms of building muscle compared to the dips/db bench and flies because of the lack of ROM. But if you like it then you can keep it in on the opposite day as the overhead press with incline BB press on the same day as the flat DB bench and flat BB Bench with Incline DB Bench
The pull days look really good but I'd argue that it's unnecessary to do 2 trap isolation exercises in a single week as they're hit pretty well by deadlifts. I'd swap one trap exercise out for a bicep exercise on your Pull A day. Lat Pulldowns and Pullups in the same workout aren't that useful either, they both train the same muscle in a similar movement pattern. It would be better to either do lat pulldowns instead of pull-ups on Pull A or replace them with Chinups that day and do a lat-focused rowing movement on Pull B where you begin the day with Pullups. So I'd rearrange it like this. And to be honest I would put the deadlift on the leg day to get extra back volume in and add a BB Row instead of it. On leg day you want to do Leg A with Squat and RDL. Leg B with Deadlift and a squat variation (Split squat or Front squat) or a heavy leg press

Pull A:​


• BB Row: 4 x 6-8

• Chin Ups or Lat Pulldowns: 3 x 6-8

• Seated Cable Row: 3 x 8-10

Rear Delts / Traps

• Kneeling Face Pulls: 3 x 12-15


• Standing EZ Bar Curls 3 x 6-8

• Cable Hammer Curls 3 x 12-15

Pull B:​


• Pull Ups: 4 x 6-8

• Chest Supported Dumbbell Row: 3 x 6-8

• Single-Arm Cable Row: 3 x 12-15

Rear Delts / Traps

• Kneeling Face Pulls: 3 x 12-15

• Front Smith Machine Shrugs: 3 x 10-12


• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 3 x 8-10

• Hammer Curls: 2 x 8-10
@jake3134 Mostly due to long term burn out reasons as well as ppl typically being a higher volume, lower frequency plan, which typically works well with more advanced lifters due to needing more volume and time between working a certain muscle than a beginner like yourself. It seems like the program you have outlined isn't super high in volume, so its mostly the other reasons.
@erb Solid reasoning.

The average beginner lifter isn't a lifter at all after 6 months.

They can also spend like 2 hours collectively throughout the week distributed any which way and make like 99% of the gains of 2x that, 95% the gains of 4x that.

With that in mind, I agree that 2-4x a week is best. Honestly, I think everyone should start with 2x a week 3 sets per muscle group so they can get a sense on how little volume they can grow on. That way if they've ratcheted their volume up in the future but life gets busy, they can scale it down without just giving up on it because of the old "what's the point if I won't be able to keep growing". Even advanced lifters can grow from 6-8 hard sets per week if they're hitting it for all they've got, their form is pristine and they use a moderate-slow tempo.
@jake3134 Personally, I would still stick with full body for 3 or 4 times a week and continue working on form as well as slightly increasing weight and volume over time
@jake3134 when you get to the end of your cut, rearrange whatever you're doing at that point into a PPL if you want to do a PPL setup. so if you're doing 3 chest 2 shoulders and a triceps on your upper day - just make that your push day. don't (and imo shouldn't) need to change anything else. as you eat more food, you'll get stronger and you'll be providing more tension to your muscles by proxy of using heavier weights. when you stall, you can add volume from there, whether that be sets or exercises. PPL gives more room to do that compared to an upper/lower - but, again it might not be necessary and it should be a weapon you keep in your arsenal to use when needed, not right from the get-go.

big mistake is to completely change up your training between bulking/cutting phases or just in general. small changes based on what is and isn't working is the formula.
@johnc101 Yea that's pretty much what I've done. The only exercises that I´ve added that I do not have in my current routine are Incline Smith Machine, Shrugs and romanian deadlift. So I've basically just added more volume overall. For example Chest will go from 12 sets to 17 sets weekly.