PPL vs whole body


New member
Hey y’all. Recently shedded about 20 pounds with cardio and diet changes, and I’d like to incorporate weightlifting back into my routine.

When I was younger I stuck to a PPL type program because I had the time to train 6 days a week. I saw pretty good results with this. But With a couple kids and all that, I’m now looking at 3 days a week in the gym.

Given that frequency, does it make more sense to return to a PPL program, or hit 3 days of whole body? Or am I overthinking and it really doesn’t make a difference.
@principatus I do 3 days per week full body. I love it. So flexible and I've had the best strength gains with full body. I put 100 lbs on my deadlift and squat this year so I'm thrilled.

Agree with what everyone else is saying though. I run, hike and climb too. I run a business full time and have two teenagers and two dogs that need long walks everyday. I love that when I'm too tired, when I have a big hike and I'm sore or when the kids have an event I can just easily move my workout day and it makes no difference. Can't beat the freedom of 3 days per week.
@dawn16 Thanks for your insight. I’m thinking I’m going to give this approach a go.

In the past I was always pretty rigid with my workouts and training but between my job and a toddler, I see that being problematic.

Do you have any full body workouts you’d be willing to share / recommend? If not I’ve found a few online, I’m sure I can start there
@principatus I can share the workout program I've been using the past year in a message if you like. I'll have to write it out in a way that's clear. It already has progressive overload built into it so I can follow it week by week with no thought. Every 4 weeks I just rewrite it with bigger numbers and repeat.