Problem setting my macros


New member
Ok here's the deal. I am 5'4", 130-135 (changes on a daily basis), 20 y.o. and I am in pretty good shape: I lost about 15-20 pounds of body fat over the past year and a half (with much help from you lovely ladies!) and now I'm training for the Tough Mudder, but I'm having a problem. I haven't had any muscle increase since November. I work out 5-6 times a week, alternating lifting days with cardio days. I usually eat around 80-120 g carbs, 30-40 g fat and ~100 g protein a day (30 of which come within 20-30 minutes of finishing my workout) coming to about 1300-1500 calories a day. I haven't noticed any muscle strength increase. My form is pretty much spot-on, I do low-ish reps with high weight and once or twice a week, I do reps until failure. I feel like maybe adjusting my macros would help- any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :)

TL;DR: workout is great but I can't build muscle, I'm hoping changing my macro split will help?
@maxsteel I think the problem is that you're not eating enough. Assuming you have a totally sedentary lifestyle, your maintenance diet would be around 1700 calories/day. It's very hard to gain muscle when eating at a caloric deficit. You need energy to grow muscles. Try out eating a couple hundred calories above maintenance and see how that works for you. I was having exactly the same problem as you and when I upped my daily calories to 200 above maintenance and started going up again in lifting within days.
@maxsteel note that I don't intentionally go over in fat and under in carbs, I'm just not very good at following food rules. But seriously, just eat a little more and you'll gain some muscle.