Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

@mistressjosie Naw, I don't really track everything because some stuff don't have calories on it (like the vegetarian meats) or I really don't know how I would calculate random food items I'd get at a cafe or vendor. Like when I pick up a vegetarian banh mi from a vendor, I have no idea what sauces or things she puts on it. :/

Maybe I should start eating more tofu in the morning. I haven't done a good tofu scramble since before I got here. That might be a good change of pace, but I love oatmeal oh-so-much, too. :(
@rescue363 Can you add nuts to your oatmeal? That would be a good source of fatty protein in the morning and you wouldn't have to give up your oatmeal. ;)
@matt4 You know what is really annoying about this place? Nuts. It is one of the hardest things to find nuts that aren't cooked in oil and slathered in salt. Even imported nuts are the same, or even worse, coated in sugar coating or wasabi.

I have found one type of cashew that reads: "97% cashews, 3% oil" without any other flavoring, so I might just have to make that my nutty implementation in oatmeal. But you're right, putting nuts in the oatmeal would be a good compromise. I would just about murder someone for some raw pecans though.
@rescue363 A high-protein breakfast is a very good idea. I eat raw oatmeal soaked in almond milk with greek yogurt and a scoop of whey protein powder, and can't even think about food until mid-afternoon.
@presencia Greek. Yogurt. I miss it SO much. I wish I could find it. That and almond milk. Pretty much nonexistent here. I can't even get real peanut butter. I had to get some in Cambodia, and I'm almost out.

People here are obsessed with Amway, and I think I saw some whey protein in their catalog. I'm gonna see if I can find some of that. That would be excellent for some smoothies, too.

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