Problems with strength due to diet or change in training g?


New member
I have trained low reps (3-4 sets of 4-8 reps) for about 2-3 years consistently increasing strength. I ate at a surplus for that long and gained a good amount of muscle. However for the last 4-5 months I changed up my training routine to a hypertrophy one (5 sets of 12-14). I also started eating less carbs. I went from 205lbs to, now, 182lbs. My strength was good until I started dropping below 185lbs (about 1 and a half months ago) fthen, I feel, it dropped dramatically. I went from doing 12 reps of 85lb dumbbell press to 65lb dumbbell. Squats have not suffered that as much as chest but I feel that the loss in strength may be a little abnormal. Muscle does loom a bit flat too. Like I said, everything was fine till about 1.5 months then I started seeing a slight decrease in strength about every week since.

Does this sound like something that I need to look at further or is it something that comes with the change in routine?

Diet has stayed about the same throughout the cutting.
@togetherinhim Pretty normal tbh, I've been cutting for close to 6 weeks with an unplanned week of maintenance in the middle whilst I was on holiday. My strength hasn't decreased, it's actually increased 2 reps on my deadlift and squat and stayed the same for bench in this time. I've lost about 4-5kg too. Running about a 400 deficit. How hard are you cutting? It may be worth increasing your carbs. I keep my protein the same as bulking and I just cut my fat a little bit and cut my carbs almost in half. Seems to work for me and I don't feel starved of energy. Running PHUL so I have 2 strength oriented workouts and 2 hypertrophy workouts a week. Perhaps your issue is in the decrease in your training intensity by switching to hypertrophy only? I know that lifting heavy for low reps is the best way to retain muscle on a cut.
@unworthytx Im at a 200-400deficit. sometimes i cant eat as well as i want to keep a constant number. I have noticed that i wake up every 3-4 and hours at night and have trouble falling back asleep. This has been going on for the last 1-2 months. I think that may be the reason for the drastic strength loss. Besides the caloric deficit. For example, last night i didnt get get 4 hours of constant sleep. I went to squat today and i couldnt even get near my usual finishing weight. I usually end with a 315lb set of 5 reps; today i struggled to get 5 reps of 275lbs. I have been feeling drowsy all day and had a couple dizzy spells since the time period in which i havent been sleeping well.
@togetherinhim I honestly can't diagnose your sleeping problems. But as you said, that's most likely the cause of your strength decrease. I know low carb diets have been known to cause dizziness or drowsy-ness in people, even myself when I dropped my carbs on my first cut. Especially after cardio I'd find myself dizzy and feeling faint.
@togetherinhim Some strength loss is to be expected while cutting. You also significantly reduced your training intensity, which isn't the greatest idea from a strength and muscle retention standpoint. Higher rep work tends to suffer more during a cut due to the glycolytic demands of such work as well.
@togetherinhim Yes. Using my own personal experience, I'll usually continue to make strength gains going into the beginning of a prep, but towards the end is when my strength will start to drop.