Program Critique (x/post to weightroom)


New member
I just completed 6 weeks of my most recent program, and I've noticed a couple problems:
  • Now that my DL is getting into some decent weight, it's hard to follow with Pullups.
  • My OHP is stalled pretty bad, and I'm not sure why. I've been barely gaining 5lbs every 2 weeks, and did finish last time.
Current Program & last week's volume:

Pull Day

65x5x2, 95x5x2, 135x5x2, 235x5x2, 235x7

-50 x10, x8, x6, -60x6

"Kroc" 1-arm DB Rows

Push Day
W x R x S

Bench Press
45x5x2, 95x5x2, 130x5x2, 130x8

Flat Leg Raise (Super set with BP)

45x5x1, 85x5x2, 85x5, 75x4

Power Clean
65x3x2, 95x3x5

Squat Day
W x R x S

45x5x2, 95x5x2, 135x5x2, 190x5x2, 195x6

BW x10, x10, x10

Weighted Hyperextension

  • I warmup by running the 1.5mi to the gym.
  • I just switched to a bouldering gym that has some solid lifting equipment (all Rogue), so for the last week, I've been ending the workout with bouldering. I'm new, so it's v0-v2, ~30min. Trying to get the conditioning & fatigue in there.
  • The "Kroc" rows were something a co-worker showed me on T-Nation, for improving my DL grip. I've never checked my form on these; I make sure I don't twist my torso, but do I bring the weight to my chest, or up even with my side?
  • I upped all my warmups to 2 sets per weight a couple weeks ago, to improve the neural pathways & increase overall volume.
  • Lift heaver things, and
  • Look sexy.
I'm not competing or showing or anything, just trying to beat up the fat kid inside.

Thus, the conditioning work; I'm at ~16% bf, and though it's no longer my #1 goal, I'd really like to get down to 10% for at least a moment.

I eat Paleo, though not always clean. I'm not counting calories right now, but I have in the past, and I know I'm in a good range, if a little low.

Concerns to fix in the next program:
  • Get enough core work in. The hyperextension works the posterior core, which I didn't realize when I put it in there. I need for work with my anterior core, and working on my neutralizing my pelvic tilt. Plank progression?
  • Why does my OHP suck? My upper is much weaker than my lower body, from a lifetime before lifting. Should I to a different Vert Push movement?

New Program:​

I do my own programming, following a number of guidelines, from Chris Salvato's BodyWeight & Barbell Training to Starting Strength of course, and other things.

One piece of advice I leard lately that I really like is to put the exercises you care about most at the beginning, so you're fresh. This applies for the week as well as the day. That's why I do Deadlifts before Squats despite what Rippetoe says: I like them more, and they get me into the gym.

So I'm thinking that instead of splitting my movements into push/pull/other like I did last time, I'm going to try and mix up the movements as much as I can, while still respecting muscle groups and time on the floor.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Leg Pull: DL
Horiz Push: Bench Press
Leg Push: Squats

Vert Push: OHP
Vert Pull: Pullups
Vert Push: Dips

Horiz Pull: DB Rows
Leg Plyo: Power Clean
Core Static: Plank

  • DB Rows are hitting the same muscles from DL grip, and opposite OHP, but I haven't minded this so far. It leaves me with T-Rex arms, in a good way.
  • only one leg workout a day. I know, I know, there only one way to do leg day.
  • I don't want to give up on the OHP. My upper body is weak, and I want to build this. I'll research, but any tips or suggestions are welcome.
  • This puts two big lifts (BP & Pullups) right next to each other. Though they're both "upper", I'm thinking/hoping the movements are different enough to not cause too much fatigue.
I'd love to hear any thoughts, concerns, questions, or suggestions you have.

I'm open to lifting more than 3x a week, though I'm limited to ~1hr on the floor. Right now my plan is to lift T/H/S, climb as "active rest" on M/F, and run Wed (tight schedule) - either stair HIIT, or a 5k, weather depending.
@davidivad Your OHP is probably trailing because you do it directly after benching which also heavily utilizes the musculature of your arms shoulders and upper back. Also because it requires more technique and flexibility from most people so just take more time to get good at. It's very common for people to complain about a lagging OHP at the end of LP on the subreddits.
I just completed 6 weeks of my most recent program, and I've noticed a couple problems:

Here is what I believe is problem number 1. 6 weeks and you're seeing problems? That's an incredibly short period of time to be throwing in the towel on any programming. What is your training history?

What were you doing before this? I see your goals are very general and if you just want to lift heavier things any lifting will get you there. Do you have specific goals for your lifts like 2xbodyweight bench, etc?
@sw501 woops. I update the x/post, but not here. I've been lifting for a couple years now, though with some downtimes. I started with SS back in the day, and did that for 8-12 weeks. I then moved to a bodyweight-centric program, and have been programming my own blend of BW/Barbell since then. I normally do a workout for 12 weeks before changing it, but I've noticed these problems pretty quickly.
@davidivad You are too new and weak to be fumbling your way around. Doing 'Kroc rows' with a 35 lb dumbbell is completely ridiculous and shows that you have no idea what you are doing. Pick an established program and run it.
@davidivad Given your upper body lifts you might want to consider doing just SS or SL for a while. You don't bench and OHP on the same day, which might help you progress on both of them. As has been mentioned, OHP after bench is going to make it hard to progress.

If DL is hurting your pullups, which makes sense, and you want to improve the pullups do the pullups first. I find that pullups hurt my DL less than DL hurts the pullups.