program for 50+ novice (4-6 months in) lifter

@meow69 That's too bad that they're using his name. I don't think the forum sounds like my cup of tea, not being a dude and not into kids really. His stuff is man-centric enough for me as it is. Thanks for the info though.
@siphosethu I know what you mean, it's why I don't subscribe. I was a bit surprised by his demeanor during the YouTube Q&A, first time I've seen him speak. He's very chill.

About once a year I'll subscribe to his forum for one month to check out what's new, he posts new training programs and answers tons of questions so it's very educational. I'm not much of a forum person though and I dont train with kids so I saw no reason to stay there long term.
@johnnyleon I just started watching her videos today and I really like her! I’ve been looking for the right program to start with and she’s great. I’m a big analysis/paralysis girl myself. I hope you get some good suggestions
@johnnyleon I’m mid-40s and started lifting with Before the Barbell this fall. I moved into Stronger by the Day in December and it’s great! And there’s a bunch of us older lifters in the very friendly SBTD Discord community.