Program idea


New member
I’m 32, deploying with the military and looking to get back in shape. Right now I run 3 days a week, walk/core the other 3, mobility 15 mins everyday, off on Saturday besides walk/mobility

Sunday: chest
Flat and incline bench 4 sets of 8-10
Cable flys, dip 3 sets 8-10
Tri push down, Tri kick backs 3 sets of 8-10

Monday: back
Barbell row, lat pull down 4 sets of 8-10
Cable row, barbell curl, hammer curl, rear delts 3 sets 8-10

Tuesday: legs/ shoulders
Barbell squat, overhead press 4 sets 8-10
Tib curl, lay raise side, front, calf raises 3 sets 8-10

Wednesday: core/ mobility/ walk

Thursday: chest/back
Pull ups 4 sets to failure, chest hammer machine 4 sets 8-10
DB row, incline cable machine, ez curl machine, tri push down 3 sets 8-10

Friday: legs/ shoulders
Deadlifts, DB press 4 sets 8-10
Quad curl, shrugs, face pull 3 sets 8-10

Normally workout in the morning and run/walk whatever right before dinner.
@kaynic This looks like a great program - a lot of no nonsense movements in here. The only changes I would suggest -
  • Sub tricep kickbacks for DB or cable french press. It will target the long head of the tricep better and you're already getting the short head with push downs
  • Sub barbell curls for preacher curls and hammer curls for incline hammer curls. This gives you an "in front of" and "behind" the body curl.
  • Totally optional but try to find a way to incorporate Pullovers. Really great movement
I found that bodyweight stuff - particularly dips and pullups - got me really noticeable gains early on. Obviously you end up hitting a wall with that stuff down the line but it's so good for newbie gains.
@kaynic Looks like push pull legs except you wanted to minimise the amount of actual leg work and so gave horizontal push its own day and added vertical push together with the relatively few lower body exercises in the programme

Why not just do an existing PPL programme if you like that split designed by someone with expertise in programming? Theres options on the wiki. I personally like push pull splits where you do both upper and lower movements on each day
@kaynic Why not find a program that’s tailored to maxing your service’s combat fitness test (assuming you’re either Army or Marines)?

The ACFT is orders of magnitude better than the APFT they had when I was in and the Marines PFT/CFT might be more useful and practical than a bodybuilding split at this point in your life.

Otherwise, there’s a program out there called tactical barbell which is solid as hell too.
@kaynic Your running will hamper your bodybuilding routine. But running is very important when you deploy with the military.

Why don't you do a strength training program two to three days per week?

Tactical Barbell has everything layed out for you.