Program Reviews of 2 Different 30-Day Ab Challenges

@adewale Thanks for the comprehensive review! I think I’ll try the darebee program. I’ve been having some back issues and I’d like to strengthen my core to see if that helps. Did you notice your strength improving as the month went on?
@iconforhire Apologies if I’m telling you something you already know, but you can’t spot burn fat - doing core exercises won’t burn fat in your core. However, spot exercises can build the targeted muscle so you will see your abs bulk up and get more muscular, which will likely make them more visible under the fat. The downside of this is that without any other changes, your waist may grow. To burn fat, you have to eat at a deficit (eat less than you burn) which can be accomplished by exercising more and/or eating fewer calories. Hope that is helpful!
@adewale Hey! Did you do both challenges at once, or one then the other? (Like 30 days double work total, 60 days single work total?) you definitely look more toned and it’s great to hear that it’s cross functional
@nikkolai Hey, thanks! Sorry that wasn't clear. It was 60 days doing single programs: 30 days of Blogilates first, then followed by 30 days of Darebee next.
@freeindeed64 Good question. Yes, absolutely. I've noticed feeling more solid/confident when bracing for lifts like squats. Yoga has been dramatically easier. I don't know if I've noticed much difference for running or volleyball, but since I dive/roll a lot for the latter, I imagine having a stronger core is good for injury prevention.