Programming critique to fix slow progress towards muscle-up


New member
I've been training calisthenics just short of 1.5 years. I'm aiming for a strict muscle-up, but my progress is quite slow. I just recently cleared my first green+purple band assisted muscle-up. Could you please help me with critique on my current programming?

I train 3 days per week, following a 4 day routine, with continuous progressive overload. I start every training day with 30 minutes warm-up and mobility.

Monday - Pull:
  • 3x10 Scapular pull ups + Scapular push ups
  • 3x3@40cm box jump + negative muscle up (3 min rest)
  • 3 chest to bar pull up EMOM 6 min
  • Weighted pull up pyramid: 5-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-5-5 (0-12.5-15-17.5-20-22.5-22.5-20-...-0 kg)
  • 3x25s R+L 1 arm hang
Wednesday - Full body conditioning:

Circle 1 x3 (2min rest)
  • 5 chest to bar chin ups
  • 6 Russian push up
  • 30s L-sit hang
Circle 2 x3 (60s rest)
  • 3 chest to bar pull up
  • 10x2 cossack squat
  • 8 pike push up
Circle 3 x3 (60s rest)
  • 7 straight bar dips
  • 8x2@22.5x2 kg DB forward lunge
  • 6x2 Australian one arm pull up
  • 6 toes to bar
3x30s Floor L-sit press (assist L, R, both)

Friday - Push:
  • 2x30s crow stand
  • 2x30s handstand hold
Circle x3
  • 10 scapular pull ups
  • 2 skin the cat
  • 10 scapular push ups
3x5 Green+purple band muscle ups

Weighted dips pyramid: 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 (10-17.5-25-32.5-40-32.5-...-10 kg)

Circle x3
  • 2 Typewriter pull up
  • 8 Clap push up
3x10 Australian row

Monday - Bodyweight+Skills:
  • 10x3 scapular pull up + scapular push up
  • 3x2 skin the cat
  • 3x6 low bar negative muscle up (2 min rest)
  • 3x4 chest to bar pull up
  • 3x12 straight bar dips
  • 3x8 toes to bar
  • 3x20s@+10kg R+L 1 arm hang
Training 3 days per week is what works for me to fit into the life/training/work puzzle.

I'm 43. 166 cm. 84 kg. Before training calisthenics I did powerlifting, following a 5/3/1 program.

At the moment, I'm in a deload week, so I figured it'd be perfect timing for a bit of feedback on my routine.

Thank you in advance!

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