Programming for 20 minute rowing machine sessions 2x/week for an obese M(32)


New member

I would like to get some advice on the best way to do cardio for 20 minutes a session, 1x per day, 2-3 days a week, on a rowing machine, to keep as much muscle mass as I can while losing fat (e.g., HIIT, steady state cardio, etc…). Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

I’m an obese male, 32 years old, 5’6”, 216 pounds, ~35% body fat.

I’ve done a variation of starting strength for ~3 months about 5 years ago, so I’m probably on the border between novice and intermediate in terms of strength gains. I’m very bad at endurance cardio; it would prob take me at least 8.5 to 9.5 minutes to run a mile. Here are some barbell stats, which I’m a little better at:
-Conventional deadlift: 1rm, 315 lbs, 5 years ago
-Low bar back squat: 1rm, 245 lbs, 5 years ago
-Bench press: 1rm, 150 lbs, 5 years ago
-OHP: 1rm, 132 lbs, 10 months ago
-Hang full squat clean: 1rm, 121 lbs, 1 month ago
-Hang power snatch: 1rm, 66 lbs, 1 month ago
-Split jerk: 1rm, 176 lbs, 1 month ago

I currently work out 2x a week, ~1.75 hour sessions, first doing 1 OLY lift variation movement (e.g., hang cleans, power snatches) for 3-4 sets of 1-4 reps, then doing 1-2 movements of barbell accessory exercises (e.g., front squat, OHP, high bar back squat, hang snatch/clean pulls, etc…) for 3-4 sets of 2-6 reps, and then some more general accessory work (e.g., back extensions, inclined dumbbell rows, etc…) for 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. I rest for 2-4 mins between sets.

I’m starting to eat cleaner, which is more of a journey, to say the least.

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