Programs to supplement S & S


New member
Looking for some advice. I'm a 28 y.o male in moderately good shape. I've been a big runner for 5+ years and typically run 25 miles a week, doing a 4, 6, 7, and 8 miler.

In looking to build up my muscles I've started s and s after my runs, starting first with a 15lb kettlebell for the swings and get ups for the first two weeks. Now I'm using a 25lb kettles for the swings and goblet squats and 15lb for my Turkish get ups. I just ordered a 35lb kettlebell for my swings.

I'm looking to build on my routine, specifically for more involved kettlebell workouts the 3 days I'm not running. Willing to take one day off if the supplemental workouts are especially challenging. Any advice on programs that complement s and s are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
@giblinomix I am confused about people saying you cannot or should not or do not need to supplement S&S. Of course you can supplement S&S and you probably should. It can be done before sports practice, after a run, etc. I have a day where I do Simple Standard, then after a 5 minute rest, dips and pull ups and finish off with 10x5 or if I’m still fresh 10x10 goblet squats. You can do stuff like that.

S&S is missing a squat, a press and a pull, so adding those would be great for your balanced physique.

Dan John had a program called KB Easy strength that would probably be better to run in conjunction with your running since it’s designed for sports practice (your running)
@giblinomix You don't need to supplement S&S. It's not a hypertrophy program, and a 15 lb bell for swings is not really going to do anything anyway for a runner. S&S is for GPP- think like the morning calisthenics everyone used to start their day with. It's to keep you in general good shape. Then just live your life on top of that- do what sports you want, your running, or do some power lifting a couple times a week, or swim, golf, etc. If you do weights or something requiring more recovery, then just cut back on a couple days of S&S.
@giblinomix According to the book S+S should be done daily(with an occasional day off) unless you are running a separate serious strength program, in which case do S+S twice a week. I don't think it is designed for supplementation, unless you just don't like following it 100% for whatever reason.