[Q] Workout routine and fat looss


New member
Hello everyone 26M weight 83kg height 180cm here I have a question about muscle loss and fat loss.

My routine is work out then going 20-25min on the treadmill 5 to 6 days a week.

First weight lifting for 1.5-2 then 20-25 min running around 165bpm based on my smart band I do anaerobic exercise.

I eat a protein bar in the morning then lunch I go to the gym and after drink 25g protein shake at night some oatmeal with yogurt.

Day one chest and tricep abs treadmill
Day two biceps and back and treadmill
Day three shoulders and legs abs treadmill
Day four calfs 3 sets of random muscle groups and treadmill

Will I loose fat without affecting my gains??
@quest4reason The “affecting the gains”, portion of your question is solely reliant on adequate protein intake, and muscle stimulus.

Aim for 0.8g protein/lb of body weight and you should be fine :)

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