Qualifiers for first comp in 10 weeks - how to prep


New member
Hi all, I signed up with a buddy for our first scaled competition and qualifiers are in 10 weeks. Looking for some ideas on how we can train in the mean time (e.g. time domains and where to put focus) to feel well prepared and confident at the start. We'll still be doing classes (need the socializing) but I'm thinking of going less frequent (maybe 3x instead of 5x)

- comp format is 1 day with 3 workouts, each maximum 10 minutes

- the weight requirements are very doable for me (except the wall balls) and ridiculously light for my buddy. But we are still working on getting our first pull up, so the next division up (where pull ups are required) was just too risky to sign up, even if the weights were closer to what we'd pick in class.

- cardio is definitely our weakness. I can keep up with my peers in short sprints with rest, but the intensity I can hold for 10 mins is usually a lot lower than them. Not doing any longer zone 2 training rn except for the occasional hike

Wall balls came up in class yesterday so I obviously took the heavier ball to start getting used to the comp weight. Will do a ton of those in the next weeks.

What other training would you do to get better at 10 minute, relatively light weight workouts?
@hassack Awesome! Signing up for a first comp can be quite scary. Just some tips and tricks from the comps that I have done.

-Have fun! It sounds cheesy but it can be easy to get caught up in your placing on the leaderboard. Keep your expectations loosely and focuse on your performance and try to have fun along the way.

- Fuel! You have to eat in between wods even if you dont feel like it. Hydrate and take alot of easy digestible foods. Sometimes the stress and can get to you and your stomach will hate you for it.

- As for speficic training. Check the previous editions of the event. They usually are a good indicator of the type of workouts they program. Alot of competitions have many participants, therefore the format can be simple. Usually they combine a Cardio machine (rower/bike erg/ski erg) and some grunt work (sandbag). But they also might throw in a rig along the way.

I wouldprogram 10 minute workouts for myself with lots of variety, to get a feel for the effort I can give in a 10 minute time frame.

- Dont forget to taper down on the week before your comp. I would say dont do any significant training from 3 days out. Maybe some active recovery.

Have fun and good luck! let us know how you did :)