question about protein!


New member
So confused, am I getting too much?
Height: 5 ft 5 inches
Weight: 185 lbs
Gender: Female
Kcal: 1900
Avg. Burn: 2,340
P: 120-130g
C: 165-205g
F: 65-75g

My goal is body recompisition and so many vegans have told me I need to decrease my protein intake even though I wanna increase my muscles! Thanks!!
@ka33 Yeah that's quite a lot. The RDI for women is just 43g according to the WHO. And even that includes a buffer for all sizes and activity levels as is.

In Protienaholic by Garth Davis MD, he shows that increase protein alone does not grow muscle any better. Yiu need more of everything. That's why people go into cutting and bulking cycles, or just let it happen naturally by eating more whole foods. These make you lose weight while holding onto the muscle, so adding a little muscle bit by bit gets good resultsin the long run. (Where as cutting makes you lose some muscle too).

If you eat around 2000 calories of legumes, whole grains, veg, fruit, nuts and seeds, you will get approx 70-80g of protein and that's still double of what the WHO suggests. You shouldnt have any issues getting gains :)

The thing with macros is, that it doesn't tell you the whole story, there's things that happen with micronutrients and fiber (the forgotten macro lol, meat has no fiber, so the fitness industry ignores it...) that makes you healthy, lean and grow muscle. E.g. what about the antioxidants that keep you fresh, or what about the nitrates that allow you to get more oxygen and energy etc. With whole foods you get it all :)
The RDI for women is just 43g according to the WHO. And even that includes a buffer for all sizes and activity levels as is.

I wouldn't quote the WHO RDI. In general the recommended daily intakes should be recommended minimums.

How much protein do we REALLY need? Is the RDA too low??

n Protienaholic by Garth Davis MD, he shows that increase protein alone does not grow muscle any better. Yiu need more of everything.

You need two main things to grow muscle. The primary is progressive overload and hard work in the gym. The second is lots of protein. Of course you need the others, but if you go hard on the first two and lower calories significantly, you can still maintain or even build muscle, however that isn't sustainable.

Protein Timing, Low Carb diets for Athletic performance and Building muscle while losing fat
@leudoca RDI is not minimum. Minimum is 26g. Regardless, OP is eating triple the RDI already. OP is way ahead as it is.

Protein Timing, Low Carb diets for Athletic performance and Building muscle while losing fat

Low carb is Broscience nonsense, read the book i mentioned and don't let the fitness industry take you for a ride my friend.
RDI is not minimum. Minimum is 26g. Regardless, OP is eating triple the RDI already. OP is way ahead as it is.

I said should be, not is. In the video I linked Dr. Stuart Phillips makes such comments. IIRC he recommends 1.2g/kg/day as a minimum.

Low carb is Broscience nonsense, read the book i mentioned and don't let the fitness industry take you for a ride my friend.

Did you even watch the video I linked or just read the title? The video was Dr Gil Carvalho interviewing Dr. Stuart Phillips on the topics of;
  • Protein timing
  • Low Carb diets for Atheltic performance (Where they discuss it being bad for Athletes)
  • Building muscle while losing fat
So yeah, no free rides here.