question about quads


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In 14 and I saw this YouTube video saying brick shaped quad things when you flex it is bad genetics is this true? I’ve started the gym like 2 months ago haven’t hit legs really I’m starting just wanna know if they’re good 👍. Will I be okay
(This isn’t satire if it seems I’m genuinely curious because my genes are dog other than my height like 6,0 ish) here is a pic of them
@stephenp12 where did it hurt? i would look up some tutorials (alan thrall, starting strength etc) and look into squat shoes and wider/narrower stances and see if you can find a comfortable technique. in the meanwhile hammer the shit out of other less technically demanding lifts like back extension/RDL/leg press/hack squat/extension/curls and progress in load/reps and get some good training in.
@stephenp12 putting a bar on your back for the first time can hurt up there. id focus on getting to the point where your brace feels solid, you can get reasonably deep and feel like you can work your legs relatively well instead of being limited by your back