Question for the 4’10 girlies! at what weight did you start seeing your abs showing through?


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I’m 4’10 (or maybe nearly, 4’9.5?) and I’m about 105 lbs or 47.7kg. It’s a healthy weight for my size, but definitely not on the leaner end of healthy. I wonder if I need to get down under 100lbs if I want them to show, I’m curious to know everyone else’s experience.

Also to add, I know the scale doesn’t matter too much because everyone has different different body compositions and weight distributions, but I’m curious to know the different numbers abs were visible for everybody else, as I know it can vary a lot person to person. What has been ya’lls experience?
@gorightgirl hey! i'm around 4'10 and a very similar weight to you, fluctuating around the 47kg mark!

here is a picture of me, not posed but the lighting is good:
i don't believe that i have abs, i think i'm just more on the toned side, but i wanted to show you so that you have some perspective since it's very hard to find fellow short women to compare to!

i think in order to have visible abs i'd have to dip to 100lb or below personally!

p.s excuse the mess, i was moving out when i took this photo!
@melanie27 wow, thanks so much! Yeah, for sure, it’s definitely hard to find other short women to compare to. On social media a lot of the fitness girlies are super tall and it’s tough to find someone with similar stats. curious to know, what kind of workouts do you focus on?
@gorightgirl not a problem, i'm super happy to share progress because i've not interacted with many other people of my height and weight!

i lift 4x a week and aim for 10k steps every day, sometimes i walk a little bit less but i don't stress so much about that - i've only been at it for 6 months so take my advice with a pinch of salt! i'm not sure how much it affects the way i look but i aim for 100g - 130g of protein a day if that's any help!
@gorightgirl This is tricky because even if someone is your same height, they may not store fat in the same way. I’m 5’0 and my stomach is always the last place I lose weight and see definition. I feel like I tend to have a lean/flatter stomach at 107/108 but probably wouldn’t see ab definition unless I was at 98/100… which at 43 is an unlikely goal 😂 Too much wine and leftover treats from my toddler. But I’ve seen a lot of improvements with strength workouts and am currently around 111
@gorightgirl I have always seen a line across my abs but I’ve never seen definition. I range from 46-52kg depending on my salt, carb (mmmm bread), and sugar intake. I’m not too stressed on ab definition but I’ve heard it can sometimes be genetic to see it?
@gorightgirl Also 4’10 and around that 47-49kg. 40 years old and was a gymnast and still never saw my abs. I think it’s a combo of things 1. Genetics 2. Lowwwww body fat. Which, to me, is too strict. After 2 kids (19 and 11) and being 40, I am not trying to stress about it, and you shouldn’t ethier. Just be healthy and strong.