R.A.D shoes

@redflag5 RADs foam compresses under heavy load enough that I can feel it in the heel of the shoe. I notice it but don't mind. I'm on my 3rd pair and really like the show

If you like a firm shoe the Tyr ctx-1 is firm under your feet. It great for lifting WODs. Feels too stiff to me for any workout that has running. I keep my pair in my car as a backup.
@benjames711 Ok. I had a pair of Nikes reebok like the Reebok better only because I felt like they were a little wider.

If I am lifting heavy it’s mostly barefoot or lifters.
@markusaurelius131 I don't do as many WODs these days, more running (in running shoes) and lifting but they have handled a few big PRs (biggest being 515lb squat for reference) in the last 6ish months since I got my first pair. My metcons are at least a year old, and I started feeling a lack of support on the outsides of my feet when squatting heavy, I don't feel that in the Rad Ones but that could be the age of the shoe as much as design/quality
@markusaurelius131 Ive been a daily driver of NoBulls, Bought a pair of Metcons and found them too bulky to be honest during wods but GREAT for any bar movements. Recently got a pair of rads and the rest truly feel like garbage compared to these. The foam can compress but for an all around trainer they're 10/10 and I specifically liked them for cleans/snatches for some reason, felt like I had a great pull in them ! hope it helps