Random thoughts on my lifetime natty status


New member
Do you believe I'm natty? If you believe me, does that mean I have a shit physique? Should I work harder til you don't believe me....and then I'll know I'm finally a bodybuilder?

I think these questions are maybe rhetorical, but I sometimes feel there is no way to win as a natural bodybuilder. I can't get first place (been a bridesmaid 4 times) I can't get the impressed to believe I'm natty.

I sometimes don't know if there is a way to win in the public's eye. If I win or my physique is good, I used. If I lose...yeah, I should have used, I guess.

This article by Eric Helms really has me contemplative on the subject lately: Love Eric Helms' work!


Anyway. here I am. Turning 36 in 2 weeks: lifetime natty and damned proud of that. No hormone replacement of any kind ever. No pro-hormone (don't even know what that is), no T cream, never even seen or had an opportunity to get the harder crap. I don't know how people even get it. Not in my football days in my 20s, not now. But some will snicker and say "obviously" and other will snicker and say "yeah right." But I sleep mighty well at night, because I go as hard as I can and don't have the skeleton in my closet. I believe my physique is what it can be and will be what it can be on stage here soon. I've done nothing but go my hardest for the past 5 years after being a powerlifter through my 20s. Only thing that haunts me is that 1st place NPC trophy.

I'm competing again in 10 weeks. Gonna get that 1st place open class trophy and then I'm hanging up the tennis shoes. It's been a grueling but awesome ride.

To all my natty friends out there. I love you so much! To non natties, I don't disrespect your work, but you have my trophies. To any up and comer, you truly don't need it. Don't get sucked to believing it's the only way to get an amazing physique. Maybe not Arnold's, but amazing nonetheless.

Noo good way to end this...it's disjointed anyway. San Demas highschool football rules!
@mslady63 I find myself mirin' either way. Great job.

I would be very interested to hear how your routine, nutrition, and prep differs from those who are not natty as I often find myself (natty) looking for advice only from those that are enhanced.

Any info is appreciated OP. Thanks and sick rig.
@kayvin Sure. I used to be fat. That's where I got most my size. 272 at my heaviest. I compete around 190. All through my 20s I was that bigger size and a dedicated powerlifter not competitive. I decided to switch it up at 31 not knowing I could take it to a stage. But I do believe that long hefty period in my youth helped me develope a lot of size....especially calf size maybe. Total broscience, but I believe the key to big calves is get fat once.

I do the basics but I do them all at the OCD level it takes for us natties to get down to 6% and lower fat. I bulk hard and dirty in the off season. Also, I fall apart after shows pretty bad. It always takes me a month or two to feel right and once I got really sick for like six months (I think it was mono from highschool resurfacing, but never officially got to the bottom of it...I kept lifting but I felt like hell)

I do a 5 day split, I mix it up but not often. I really stick to something for a good six months and then switch it. I could honestly say I haven't half-assed a single rep or body part in years. I do that when I bulk. Then to cut, I meet with my trainer. He dials in the cut diet, and I follow it for a good 6 months. I do a lot of cardio. When I get down close to the show I am doing it twice a day and running fast. I use a HR monitor always or HIIT. I am always able to get really lean, but I do lack size.

Any more detailed info on any aspect, I'm an open book.
@mslady63 Thanks for the reply. I like the broscience and I know exactly what you mean. Speaking of broscience, I find myself in the eternal cycle of bulking and cutting without doing either to full potential. Do you have any tips on efficiently maintaining max muscle fullness/size while getting down to competition bf%?

I always feel too flat when I cut.
@kayvin I get flat. It happens to me too. Probably why I can't get over the top. I think it's worth it to just suck it up and go the distance and get out of your head about it. I think it is why I lose though. I swear I can see on the judges faces say, "damn you are lean and symmetrical aesthetic and all....but he's bigger."
@mslady63 I'm sure I'll get downvoted to hell and back, but you could always shoot for maintenance at 10% bf, have women swoon when you walk into a room, and find a hobby other than competition. Grow bonsai, buy a boat, take up running, whatever.
@brandon05w This is my exact hopes. I actually love all of my time competing and find it all to be so worth it. But just movin on and wishing the best of luck and love to those pushing on.
@mslady63 When you say a give day split do you mean 1 body part per day? Or a ppl kind of split or something else? Also how long have you been training? You sure your natty lol?
@ilovejesus23 I have been lifting for more than 20 yrs. Started in football at 15 yrs old and have always been pretty consistent. I didn't start lifting for hypertrophy until my 30s though. I do do single body part a day split. I always make space for heavy deadlifts too, not many BBers do.

Indeed I am sure...
@mslady63 Serious work there. Looking awesome. I'm curious as to your strength numbers when lean? and to what extent do you think strength is important to bodybuilding natural?
@gma_93 I am a heavy lifter for sure. I bulk pretty dirty and lift hard in the off season. I do get about an 80% drop in strength by the end of the cut. I am ok with it, because my 80% is not something I am ashamed of.
@mslady63 This is the catch 22 of being natty. If you do this as a hobby and don't have the potential, natty or not, to make a career out of it, then yeah, cycling wouldn't be worth it. You said that people who got 1st place over you, that cycled, have your trophies. Are you implying that you work harder than them or that they don't have to put in as much work on gear? The work ethic has to still be there for gear to be worthwhile anyway.
@selinakylecw I realized that was implied after I posted it. Didn't mean to. At my last show, however I talked to the guy for a while who won. He was very open and honest that he was on "vitamin T" He was a cool guy too. I'm glad he won. Looked great. He didn't believe I was natty at first until talking to me for a while. I will say this. I do know that my preps and their preps are very different. Suffering and work involved...I don't mean to discount it. But it is a different sport. My trainer and a few friends on my team are not natty. I love the guys. But, all niceties aside.....Hell no, he couldn't have beaten me natty.