Rate my 4 days 2 times a week split! (Thanks :) )


New member
Good Evening Gym boyz,

Currently, I go to the gym twice a week, focusing on multiarticular exercises split over two days:

Day A: Chest, Legs, Triceps (Including Bench press, Squats, French press, and complementary exercises)

Day B: Back, Biceps, Shoulders (Including Deadlifts, Curls, Military press, and complementary exercises)

I understand that going twice a week might not be optimal, but it's what I can commit to for now. I have a reasonably athletic body, standing at 1.90cm in height and weighing between 90kg and 83kg during the summer. This split is the minimum I can do to maintain and potentially improve my physique.

I'm considering trying a different split, dividing my workouts into four sessions (A, B, C, D) spread across two days per week. I want to ensure that each week, I hit every major muscle group (chest, back, arms, legs, shoulders). Here's how I plan to structure it:

Week 1: A, B

Week 2: C, D

Week 3: A, B

Week 4: ...and so on...

My personal trainer suggested organizing exercises into push-pull variants to add more variation to my routine. Here's a draft of what I'm considering:

Image Link: https://ibb.co/txxHHdr

I'm open to any suggestions or improvements you might have. Thank you!
@georgios22 Tally up how many exercises you’re doing for your chest or arms and the tally up how many you’re doing for your back (deadlifts are not a back exercise by the way, as no part of your upper back controls hip extension). You’d be better off going for an upper lower split, or even just 2 whole body sessions a week.

If you have a personal trainer why is he not planning this for you?
@zeekmul Good Morning.

Basically my PT is one from my gym that took my case under analysis and for the first time he did not send me the classical pre built schedule.

He thinks this could be good for me, but I like to do my own research and I'm not 100 sure so I opened this thread hoping to have some discussions.

What would you improve?

@jesusrwaldron And you’re paying him as well?

I really hope you’re not, because if you are I would get a new PT straight away. It’s his job to assess you, program specifically for you depending upon where you’re at currently and what your goals are, and then coach you to help you achieve your goals
@zeekmul Go for it my man.

Realised that there’s an autocorrect in my initial post, was just meant to say “no part of your back controls hip extension “
@georgios22 Unless you are tremendously strong there is no good reason to deadlift and squat every 2 weeks, that is asinine.

The recommended routine in r fitness is far superior to this.