Rate my next bulking program


New member
Hi everyone,

Wanted a program critique if anyone is kind enough to weigh in. Little background around me is that I’m 34 and I’ve been working out consistently for around 1.5 years now. Started with about a 8 month of cutting / recomp then did my first bulk for 12 weeks (which worked really well) and I’m just coming out of a long cut. Plan to maintain for a couple of months and then do a hard bulk. I’m 168cm and 145lbs, recover quite well (I need to do a lot of volume to really feel beat up) but I think this might just be because of low muscle mass.

Anyway let me know what you think. I’ve added my rep progression in brackets (start to end sets) and how I plan to increase thoughout the 16 weeks if I carry on recovering:

Plan (16 weeks total adding 0.5lbs per week)

Monday - Push (18-26 rep progression)
Bench Press - 3
Incline Machine Press - 2
Behind back standing Cable Curl - 3
Straight bar cable curl - 2
Dips - 2
Upright Row - 4
Forearm curl - 2

Tuesday - Pull (19-26 rep progression)
Supported Row - 3
Skull crusher - 3
Shrugs - 3
Overhead Extension - 3
Lat pulldown - 3
Lying face pulls - 4

Wednesday - Quad (25-34 rep progression)
Decline Crunch - 4
Squat - 4
Leg Extensions - 4
Barbell curl - 3
Hammer curl - 2
Standing Leg Curl - 4
Standing Calf Raises - 4

Thursday - Upper (20-29 rep progression)
Incline Dumbbell Press - 3
Close grip incline press - 3
Hammer Pull up - 3
Cable Flys - 2
Pushdown - 3
Bent over flies - 4
Forearm curl - 2

Friday - Hams (26-35 rep progression)
Decline Crunch - 4
Stiff legged deadlift - 4
Seated Leg curl - 4
Preacher Curl - 2
Lateral Raises - 4
Leg Press - 4
Standing Calf Raises - 4

Total sets per muscle group start to end
Chest = 12-20 (all 4 sets)
Back = 12-20 (all 5 sets)
Biceps = 12-20 (all 4 sets)
Triceps = 12-20 (all 5 sets)
Front Delts - 0
Rear Delts - 8-12 (all 6 sets)
Side Delts - 8-12 (all 6 sets)
Quads = 12 -18 (all 6 sets)
Hams = 12 - 18 (all 6 sets)
Glutes = 0
Calves = 8
Core = 8

Each week add set alternating:
1 x Chest & Bicep & Quad
1x Back & Tricep & Ham

Delts instead of legs at the 4 & 8 week mark

@aloys989 I think if you've put this much thought into your workout routine, that you'll do just fine. Personally, I would be adding 5 sets or exercises just my core to whatever workout I'm doing for a day. It's like I do 2 separate workouts whenever I work out, one the real workout and the other just my abs. It doesn't always be every time I work out, but when I do, do abs, I just can't not do 5 exercises.