Rate my workout. I have never shown anyone my routine. Its probably the worst


New member
Please tell me how bad my workouts are. i made Personally i think im doing too much.
  • day 1: Chest, Triceps, Forearms
    1. incline dumbbell press (warmup with 10 reps; 3 x close to failure)
    2. triceps pushdown with straight bar (warmup with 10 reps; 3 x close to failure, dropset)
    3. seated chest press machine (3 x close to failure; dropset)
    4. single arm triceps extensions with the cables (3 x 8)
    5. cable crossover (2 x 8)
  • day 2: legs
    1. lying hamstring curls (warmup with 10 reps; 3 x close to failure)
    2. seated leg press (3 x close to failure)
    3. quad extensions (warmup with 15; 3 x close to failure)
    4. hip thrusts (3 x 8 or however many i can muster)
    5. squats (warmup with 8; 3 x 6; 1-2 x PR)
    6. hack squats ( 1-2 x close to failure)
  • day 3: back, biceps, shoulders
    1. EZ bar curls (warmup with 10 reps; 3 x close to failure, dropset)
    2. dumbbell lateral raise (3 x 8)
    3. pulldowns (warmup with 10 reps; 3 x close to failure)
    4. face pulls (3 x 12)
    5. one arm seated cable rows (3 x 10)
    6. seated cable rows (1 x 10)
    7. one arm cable curls (3 x 12)
    8. deadlift (warmup with 8; 2 x 6; 1-2 x PR)
    9. back extensions (body weight; 2 x 8)
  • 1 or 2 rest days. usually 2. depends on life.
  • Repeat!
@nontheologian Too much volume on leg day for sure, maybe even on chest day. Potentially on back as well.

You have dumbbell press, machine press and cable press. This is a lot. You can probably just add a set to failure or close with 2 of these and be out way faster with less chance of too much fatigue.

Legs, you have leg press, squat, hack squat, leg extension all for quads. You can probably just pick 2 and call it good.

Back, lat pull down, single arm row, and cable row. This is better but still a lot. I'm not entirely sure if you can recover from all of this adequately. You might start to plateau or just feel really weak after the new gains stop (assuming you're still getting them).
@limetree5 thats what i was afraid of. ill probably get rid of the dumbbell press or switch it out with the chest press machine every other week. for legs i kinda hate squats so ill probably get rid of that and switch between leg press and hack squat.
@nontheologian I do my bigger exercises first. Bench,squats,OHP,dead’s,rows. Than do all your small isolation stuff. Don’t want to tired yourself out doing small movements. For warm up I’ll do some jumping jacks arm circles bodyweight pushups and squats. Than if i’m doing squat I will do like half my weight than 75%. For like 5 reps each. Than do my working sets.