Rate my workout routine


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DAY 1 - PUSH DAY (chest, shoulders and triceps)

Workout A (Chest)

- Dumbell Bench Press 3 x 8-12 FF

- Inclined Dumbell Press 3 x 8-12 FF

- Dumbbell Flys 3 x 8-12 FF

- Crossovers 3 x 8-12 FF

Workout B (Shoulders)

- Millitary Press 3 x 8-12 FF

- Lateral Raises 3 x 8-12 FF

- Reverse Flys 3 x 8-12 FF

Workout C (Triceps)

- Skullcrushers 3 x 8-12

- Tricep Extensions 3 x 8-12

- Kickbacks 3 x 8-12

DAY 2 - PULL DAY (Back, biceps)

Workout A (Back)

- Lat Pulldowns 3 x 12 FF

- Dumbbell rows 3 x 12 FF

- Pullovers 3 x 12 FF

Workout B (Biceps)

Dumbbell Curls 3 x 12 FF (med to heavy weight)

DAY 3 - (Legs)

- Goblet Squats 3 x 8-12 FF

- Lunges 3 x 8-12 FF

DAY 4 (Active Rest)

- 30 Min Cardio

- Various Ab Exercises

Should i add/remove anything, my goal is to build muscle and become bigger and general. Any tips and advice welcome! :) (P.S I workout at home and only have access to a bench with dumbbells, an treadmill and an elliptical)
@twm It's great if you want to look like this:

Seriously, you are heavily favouring push movements. I would add at least something for taps and hammer or reverse curls to put better emphasis on the biceps group while also working the forearms. As for you leg workout, I would add another squat variation and either romanian deadlift or weighted bridge (don't know the actual name), both is better. I am assuming you don't have acess to leg extension and flex machines.
@dawn16 So in general what would you remove from it, what bicep exercises would you add? and what squat variation would you recommend. tbh, i just basically copied what's on this video while changing somethings, prior to this workout i was doing some atlean-x routine that didn't really work for me. i also can't do the RDL's since i dont have a bar, only dumbbells.


VIDEO OF CURRENT ROUTINE (this is the vid i took the routine from)
@twm I wouldn't take anything from it. Maybe pass reverse flies to the pull day.

Squats with dumbells held at sides would work, but you probably should go for higher rep ranges, as they get really uncomfortable with heavier weights.

You can do ldr with dumbells. Don't know if it's the same name, but they work. I do them more often than with a bar, as I feel I can keep a better posture.

I forgot to add that you can do abs more often, they answer really well to higher frequency. Also, it's good to add some calf raises.