Rate my workout split


New member
Hello everyone, I did 5x5x5 strength training plus other exercises ofc for about 3 years until my senior year in college. I graduated and I'm working a job now and sadly could only allocate 1-1.5 hours max per day for working out. I would like to continue strength training, so I made this workout split in hopes to save time and it seemed fine but I wanted to hear more outside opinions and criticism:-

It's laid out as (sets x reps x mins rest)
And I do 80-90% 1 Rep Max.

Push Workout (2-3 per week)

5 x 5 x 4 Shoulder Press w/ Barbell Squats
5 x 5 x 4 Incline Barbell Press w/ Barbell Press
5 x 5 x 3 Dumbell Shoulder Press w/ Leg Press
5 x 5 x 3 Flat Dumbell Chest Press w/ Leg Extensions

Pull Workout (2-3 per week)

5 x 5 x 4 Romanian Deadlift
5 x 5 x 4 Barbell Rows
5 x 5 x 3 One-side Dumbell Rows

5 x 5 x 3 Dumbell Curls w/ Leg Curls

I usually alternate between Push and Pull workouts.