Rate my workout


New member
Heyaa guys, I’m happy to have just joined this sub, this is my first post I’ve ever made on Reddit, I’m here for some advice and feedback as I am a new jim goer and have been working out for a couple of months, my goal is to increase my weight from 60 to 70 in a time frame of 6 months, I have been improving my diet and am consuming 2700-3000 calories and roughy 100-120 grams of protein, I would appreciate help from anyone willing to nudge me in the right direction, I just want to know whether I am lifting optimally or not

I’m a 5.8ft 20 year old male
  • MONDAY - Chest and tricep - 18 sets
    Skull crushers 3 sets
    Push downs 3 sets
    Incline dumbbell Press 4 sets
    Flat bench press 4 sets
    Cable fly 4 sets
  • TUESDAY - Lower and shoulder - 21 sets
    Dumbbell Front raises 3 set
    Lateral raises 3 set
    Shoulder press 3 set
    Leg Extension 3 set
    Leg Curl 3 set
    Leg Press 3 set
    Squats 3 set
  • WEDNESDAY - Lats and bicep - 19 sets
    Bicep curl 3 set
    Hammer curls 3 set
    Lat pull-down 3 sets
    Cable pull 3 sets
    Dumbbell rows 4 sets
    Pull ups 3 sets
  • THURSDAY - Shoulder and Lower - 27 sets
    Dumbbell Front raises 4 sets
    Lateral raises 4 sets
    Shoulder press 3 sets
    Leg Extension 3 sets
    Leg Curl 3 sets
    Leg Press 3 sets
  • FRIDAY - Lats and bicep - 19 sets
    Bicep curl 3 sets
    Bar curls 3 sets
    Lat pull-down 3 sets
    Cable pull 3 sets
    Dumbbell rows 4 sets
    Pull ups 3 sets
  • SATURDAY - Chest and tricep - 18 sets
    Skull crushers 3 sets
    Push downs 3 sets
    Incline dumbbell Press 4 sets
    Flat bench press 4 sets
    Cable fly 4 sets
I start most of the exercises with a warm up and my rep range is between 12-15 but lately I’ve been thinking of increasing the volume so I can do more high intensity low rep 5-10 workouts cuz that’s what I hear you do when you’re doing a bulk

PS- Here’s my diet

Protein shake 800 CALORIES - 14 almonds(100 calories), 5 cashew nuts(42 calories), fox nut(100 calories), oats(100 calories), dates(50 calories), peanut butter(30 calories), olive oil(100 calories), milk(300), banana(164)

Peanut butter sandwich 1000 CALORIES

Egg - 200(with egg white) + 34

Fried chicken with brown bread - 448 calories + 300 calories

Protein shake - 14 almonds(3 grams), 5 cashew nuts(1.5 grams), fox nut(3 gram), oats(3), dates(.5), peanut butter(1 gram), olive oil(0 grams), milk(12 grams), banana(1)

Peanut butter Sandwiches - 20 grams

5 eggs - 30 grams
200 gram chicken - 45 grams

And the dinner is whatever my mama makes, usually there’s rice with some curry and dal so I’m estimating that’s about 300 calories or more
@pooterlaws Too much volume. Unnecessary.

And also not optimal at all. Like chest on Monday and shoulder on Tuesdays. You should know that training chests also work the shoulder joints. So if you workout chest optimally you wont be performing shoulders the next day properly because it’s already a bit fatigued.