Recent training highlights


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40 yrs old natty. 5'8" 175 20-25% bodyfat. Plant-based. Not 100% vegan as my young kids will eat meat once in a while and I have to eat the leftovers they refuse to eat. Lookn forward to being 100% vegan when they're older.

315 x 15 sumo deads touch and go. Used wrist wraps.

Pistols 40 lb dumbells x 3

Weight pull ups. Parallel grip. (Bdywt + 70 lbs) x 4

Kroc rows 95 lbs x 15

One arm deadlift with hook grip 245 lbs
@dubschanging Completely agree... i cant think of a more destructive or evil industry. TBH its with their daycare hot lunches a couple of times a wife just wants a break from having to make their lunches.

They dont always finish the food so it gets brought home. My wifes on pretty strict macros so I end up eating it.
@katarina978 To throw away the leftovers is just wasteful and would not help anyone... In fact that would cause more suffering to animals, because he would have to buy more food instead of eating what is already there. That would cause more damage to the environment and hence more animals suffering. That is why I think one could argue that the more ethical option in this case would be to eat the leftovers.